Virtual Games To Play With Your Coworkers on Zoom
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Yes, now that we’re all working remotely, we may not get to meet our coworkers in person, but that does not mean we can’t interact with them. The best way to break the ice and enhance your workplace relationships despite your geographical boundaries is to schedule some fun virtual games the next time you plan on taking an informal Zoom call with your coworkers.
A lot of HR executives take up these fun virtual games these days, in order to help employees familiarise themselves with each other in the virtual workplace. Sometimes, in order to build better relations that don’t always involve your higher-ups, go ahead and play these virtual games in an exclusive call post-work, with your fellow workers!
A Trivia can test your team’s knowledge on a variety of random topics. To play this game, compile a list of trivia questions and answers. Then, split your coworkers into groups, and assign a Zoom breakout room to each one. Each time you pose a question, send groups to their respective breakout room. Whichever team returns with the correct answer first earns a point.
Five Things
Five Things is an improv game you can play over Zoom to encourage team building. Here is how to play:
For example, you could choose a topic like “flowers” and name your coworker to answer. The chosen coworker would have 15 seconds to name five flowers, which could be “Hibiscus, Sunflower, Rose, Orchid, and Hyacinth.”
Lightning Scavenger Hunt
For Lightning Scavenger Hunts, create a list of items or characteristics. Then, on a Zoom call, challenge your coworkers to gather the items and show them on-screen to earn points. You can encourage winners of each round to share stories about the item. You can get creative with your hunt; the more obscure the objects the better.
Something In Common
Something in Common is one of the best icebreaker games you can play on Zoom. The purpose of the game is to help improve employee engagement by connecting people with similarities.
When playing Codenames via Zoom, have one player, who is not a spymaster, share their screen. Then, split participants into either the red or blue team, and designate one person as the spymaster of each team. As players attempt to guess which cards their spymaster hints at, send teams off into breakout rooms, so they can discuss their strategy. Whichever team successfully guesses all cards with their color first, while avoiding the forbidden card, wins the game.
Bet On The Crowd
Zoom’s polling feature allows you to ask for attendee opinions and instantly display the results. Bet on the Crowd turns Zoom polls into a fun wagering game. First, participants will vote on a question or series of questions. You can either stick to a two-answer format or allow for up to four answers.
Here are some sample questions:
Before you reveal the responses, ask your teammates to guess which answer will win. Any player who correctly predicts the majority wins the round. You can play multiple games and keep score, awarding a prize to the highest-ranking teammates.
With these and many more such innovative games to play online, you can easily bridge the distance between you and your coworkers to have a great time working remotely as well! For some great remote working opportunities, go ahead and visit our career page.?