Virtual Data Room (VDR) Best practices
James Whitehurst
VP Sales | Enabling healthcare providers to manage and enhance their online reputation
Over the last 6 months we’ve been canvassing opinion from our clients and our project managers about their VDR use. Asking questions like: What parts of the process cause you worry? When do you normally find yourself wondering, am I doing this in the best way? Whilst the experienced advisors among you are likely to have your own preference for how to set up the VDR, we have developed a 5-part mini best practice series for those with a little less experience. If you are a seasoned advisor, don’t quit now - we think you might pick up a couple of pointers along the way that might help you on your next deal too!
So, what topics will we be dealing with?
1. Document Upload
Tips and tricks on how to collate all of your information prior to upload whilst dealing with information requests from external parties along the way.
2. Setting up a bidder friendly site
Once your documents are on the VDR, how do you ensure they are easily accessible?
3. Setting permissions
If you are running an auction process it is unlikely you will give every bidder the same Ievel of access to your information, especially if you have a mix of trade and financial bidders. Here we will give you some pointers on how best to set up your VDR.
4. Questions and Answers (Q&A)
We run you through how best to set up the Q&A process for your deal, whilst acknowledging that each process will be different. It’s a step by step method, which will ensure your time is spent as efficiently as possible! Afterall, the day job doesn’t stop!
5. Reporting and closing
The VDR can be an extremely powerful tool if utilised efficiently. You can get real-time insight into what your external parties are up to which can help you make informed decisions about final steps.
Hopefully you’ll find this mini-series useful – if there are any topics you feel we have missed or would like more information on, then please feel free to drop me an e-mail and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.