Virtual credit cards and citibank?
Virtual credit cards and citibank?
Do you have to have citibank to sign up for the website? Like do you have to have them as your bank to sign up to use their virtual card generator? I have Navy Federal so I was just wondering thanks. And is it possible that when I sign up I can use my NF visa card likw how you do with paypal? Sucks that paypal got rid of that feature...
ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I always recommend this site where you can find all the solutions.
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Can I fight the IRS on this?
Here's the situation. I was married to a man who had his own business. I had a regular hourly job where taxes were taken out. We filed jointly and ended up still owing $12,000 to the IRS. My then husband would not pay it so when I filed for divorce it was determined that he would be responsible for the back tax debt. I also filed bankruptcy during that time period but did not claim the taxes since they were determined to be my ex's. My ex then did a settlement with the help of Roni DEUTSCHE (Tax lawyer) and was released from the debt for a smaller amount. Now, 4 years later, I pull my credit report only to find that I have an $18,000 tax lien against me. I called the IRS and they said since it was filed jointly that I was now responsible for the debt. I told them about the divorce papers and everything but they said it didn't matter. How can this be? How can I still be held responsible for this? I don't have the money to hire a lawyer and I don't make that much in a year. If the garnish my wages like they claim they are going to I'll be sunk. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you."
How to afford bankruptcy with no job and no assets (living with relatives)?
No charge cards left. No job, no income, no SSDI (applied and appealing...hearing is in about a year). The amount owed increases monthly. The garnishment orders are in place for if and when he does get a job. How much does it cost to start?"
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
20 year old getting a home loan?
So i am 20 years old and i live in idaho.. i have a credit score of 695... i am going to try and buy at house for 78,000.. i have nothing bad on my credit not a late payment.. my debt monthly only equals 90$ a month.. other then that i accumulated debt is only 980$.. what do you think my odds are???"
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Horrible credit loan?
Anyone aware of a finance company that can assist with a horrible credit loan? I am stuck in a rut and need to find a lender that will give the chance, I have been all through the internet, local finance companies, all i get in return is no for an answer, or payday loans with high pay off amounts in the end. I am in a bad situation right now and need a lender who will give me the oppurtuinity to prove myself. I currently have a current loan, but no one will offer me credit until 6 mnths of good pmt history, I only have 3 showing so far; that is all the longer the loan has been out."
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
How do I find out my credit score for free?
I've gone to a bunch of sites that promise free scores, but then i find out that it's only after you sign up for a paid service! Any credit report websites that are legitimate and actually free? Thanks!!"
How long does a chapter 7 bankruptcy last on your credit report in Connecticut?
I filed for a chapter 7 bankruptcy on December of 2001 and it has since been discharged. I would like to know how long that bankruptcy will be on my credit report. I filed the bankruptcy in the state of Connecticut. Thanks in advance for your help.
"I have 11,000 in credit card debt. I pay on-time, but I would like to consolidate all my bills into one.?"
Calvin, That is not what I am trying to do. No lender would be responsible for my several credit cards because I would be paying ALL of my cards off with ONE LOAN. The lender would be, so to speak, responsible for ME and my actions with the loan I get through THEM. I am not in default with any of my present debts. I guess do not understand exactly what you mean, but hopefully this clarifies what I mean."
Does anyone lend to someone with a recent bankruptcy that has good credit and a 25 year job?
Husband has to file for bankruptcy due to a co signed loan for my business. Has excellent credit and a stable 25 year job? Sellin home and want to downsize. Will anyone lend in this situation to my husband for a mortgage. Mortgage and all his debt is current.
Poor Credit Auto Loan with Trade-In?
I have poor credit due to a repossession and a few missed payments on a couple of credit cards. In a few days, I will have my current vehicle completely paid off. I need to be placed into a bigger vehicle to accomodate passengers. In searching these Q&A's, I've found that most dealers will approve a car loan for someone with poor credit, if they come with a down payment. The car being traded in is worth $16k. The car I would like to take home is selling for $23k. In essence, I need a car loan for $7k. Is trading in a paid off vehicle the same as walking in with a down payment? What are the chances that I will be approved for a $7k auto loan?"
Has anyone had creditors trying to collect after filing bankruptcy?
OK...Don't judge me. I am not a deadbeat or spent money recklessly. I am a chiropractor and became ill with a chronic illness and had no choice but to go on disability. I got approved for disability the first time I applied. However, I can see so many clients a weeks. But, my finances and medical bills piled over my head and I had more bills and living expenses than what I made total. I did not have any major credit card with high balances, my home is modest, I drive a Ford Edge. I have two girl's as well. It was when I was sick and in the hospital and not able to work and not getting disability, I got really behind on bills. Then with disability and working a few hours a month, I could no longer pay for things. Mainly, they were personal loans from when I opened my own practice. Which was like 2 mortgages!! My bankruptcy was discharged in July. I have had 2 companies harass me non-stop and even turned me over to collections which is now on my credit report. I have a call into my attorney about this. The paralegal is faxing paperwork over to them. I did go to law school for a year and half before becoming a chiropractor. As, I recall under the old law creditors had to stop harassing you once you retained an attorney and had a case number. So, if my lawyer can stop this what legal action can I take. These people get very belligerent on the phone. Also, how do I get these collection agencies off my credit report that they turned me over to? I did talk to one collection company today and they were nice, but they told me it automatically goes on my report. I faxed them a copy of my discharge papers with the company they were representing. and now my credit report say 0.00 by their name but the fact it is still there. Much advice is needed!"
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
How much can I raise my credit score in about 6 months?
I currently have about $2,000 in credit card debt that I am actively paying down. My credit scores range between 559 and 580, I need at least a 650 to consolidate my student loans. I should be clear of my credit card debt in mid September. Will my credit score improve? I am not planning to use the credit cards - they are already cut up! I am 23, work full time and need my student loans consolidated but I can't until my score improves."
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Check my credit without a credit or debit card?
Are there any legitimate sites online that can do this? I no longer have any credit or debit card information in my name.
Does anyone know a site were I can get a free credit report and free credit score without having a credit card?
credit scores and reports.
I received a 1099-A form for a house we foreclosed on in CA. How is this going to affect my tax return?
I received this in the mail the other day and I don't know what it means. The balance of prinicipal outstanding (Box2) says $407,778.33 and the fair market value (Box4) says $324,160.00. In Box 5, it says that I was liable for repayment of the debt. Some people say that I will need to pay taxes on the difference and some say that I won't because I don't own anything and because I don't make enough (about $25,000 this yr). Then I read somewhere that I shouldn't report it on my taxes because I might get a 1099-C form later. I basically don't know what to do with this. Do I report it now or should I wait? How will it affect my tax return? Will I get more back or less? Does anyone know of any informative and affordable tax preparers in Southern CA? Any help will be appreciated :) P.S. Some may be wondering what was I thinking getting a house loan under my name, not being married and not making much money. Well, I did it for my parents who couldn't get a loan and had nowhere to live. We basically lived in 2 different hotels for a month and I was the last resort. I had to do what I had to do for my fam."
Question about free credit score?
I'm trying to get my credit score. You can get 3 every year for free. One of them is through equifax, which I have already used in 2009. What are the other two? Don't say 'free credit report bc that's not right, it's a scam website (more or less)"
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Virtual credit cards and citibank?
Do you have to have citibank to sign up for the website? Like do you have to have them as your bank to sign up to use their virtual card generator? I have Navy Federal so I was just wondering thanks. And is it possible that when I sign up I can use my NF visa card likw how you do with paypal? Sucks that paypal got rid of that feature...
ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I always recommend this site where you can find all the solutions.
Can you file bankruptcy on your state taxes?
I am unemployed. I am also about to lose my only home. Can not afford to pay 2007 state taxes that they want me to pay now 2011.
Are Cash Advances the Same Thing as Payday Loans?
This is my last question. I promise. =)
Auto Loans???
And what is the coborrower responsible for? And who loans me
What is EMI in home loans????
What is EMI in home loans????
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Information needed on taking out an auto loan. (please help)?
I have applied for many auto loans. I was denied by all because of an old medical bill that shows up on my credit report. My question is, If I start to make payments to that bill, how fast would I be able to take out an auto loan? After its completley paid off? or can I as soon as I start paying, or which is better. Also I am buying from a personal sale, not a dealership, would a bank even help me? because if i went through a dealership I would have no use for a bank in the first place."
Can i cancel a credit card even if i owe money on it?
Can i cancel a credit card even if i owe money on it?
Is there a site where I can find my credit score & whats on my report for free w/o a free trial offer?
Is there a site where I can find my credit score & whats on my report for free w/o a free trial offer?
"I have a Higher One Card, and would like to withdraw more than $500. Does Wells Fargo accept this Master Card?"
I know that if I want to get a cash advance, I need to present my Higher One Card to a bank teller. But the problem is I don't know which banks accept this Master Card. Do you know ? Thanks so much for you answers !"
What is a Good Payday Loan Alternative?
What is a Good Payday Loan Alternative?
"I have about $6,500 in credit card debt. what's best? personal loan credit counseling 0% interest Credit card?
I just graduated college and have a good part time job. I make pretty decent money and am trying to keep my bills low but I do have rent utilities and a phone bill. I dont know if I should transfer to a low interest card or 0% interest card for 12 months or get a personal loan or call credit counseling or what to do. I wont be able to make very big payments possibly up to 200 a month. My card right now has over $300 minimum payments. What should I do???? HELP!
Should you get pre-approved by more than one mortgage broker/lender when buying a home? Why and why not?
One of the mortgage brokers I spoke with said that it doesn't hurt your credit score to get pre-approved by more than one broker/lender. But, if being pre-approved by a particular broker/lender doesn't actually lock you to that broker/lender, then is there a real benefit to getting pre-approved by multiple brokers/lenders? Does it incent them to give you better rates? I'm looking to buy my first home, and would appreciate your guidance and experience. Thanks!"
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Has anyone used Is it legit or just a scam?
I would like to take out a loan but have no credit...and no job...if this site won't work is there anyway or anywhere I could take out a loan?
"Will i get approved for a $160,000 home loan? my credit score is 685. monthly:$2941 and monthly debt:$460.?"
MR. KEVIN, First of all thank you for responding. Second, I am looking at that will be built bylt by KB homes question is: is there any bargaining with KB Homes as far as how much they will charge to build my home?"
Question for anyone that has filed bankruptcy (chapter 7)?
Did you keep your cell phone account? What did you do about it? Also did you keep your car or what did you do about having a car?
What would happen if i file bankruptcy?
will my car get ceased by the bank and taken away from me by the bank, what would happen if i try to opt for a loan in future will i be eligible for it if now how would i be able to in future."
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
"I have a 332 credit score, is my life over?
I have about 20K in debt & there is no way i'll be able to pay it off. I am a resposible person I just made bad decisions when I was 18 and took out a car loan and 3 different credit cards. Along with a hospital bill. Should I file bankrupcy and try to start over in 7 years or do I need to move to Canada or something because I will no longer have a chance to have anything nice or decent for the rest of my life?
Anyone know where i can see my Beacon credit score free?
Anyone know where i can see my Beacon credit score free?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?
How to mortgage hotels in Monopoly?
I am very confused on how to mortgage a hotel on a property. Do I mortgage it for half the hotel price ONLY (ie if a hotel cost 100 to install, I would recieve 50 in mortgage and remove it AND the four houses), or do I count the other four house prices with it (ie if houses costs 100 x4, and the hotel cost 100, would I recieve 250 in mortgage for the hotel)?"
Can I play Lionheart Board Game Online?
I used to love this game as a kid, I would love to play it online. My friends think I am crazy to want to play a board game so I need a worthy rival."
What happens if you don't declare bankruptcy?
hello- i'm a definite bankruptcy candidate - chapter 7 - and was told by a collector that i have to file by the 30th (today). otherwise i will be sued. now, i'm definitely declaring the only issue is that i don't have the money for a lawyer right this second. what happens if i don't file before i get sued? i've stopped making payments for 10 months now."
Virtual credit cards and citibank?
Do you have to have citibank to sign up for the website? Like do you have to have them as your bank to sign up to use their virtual card generator? I have Navy Federal so I was just wondering thanks. And is it possible that when I sign up I can use my NF visa card likw how you do with paypal? Sucks that paypal got rid of that feature...
ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I always recommend this site where you can find all the solutions.