Virtual Coffee Meetings...

Virtual Coffee Meetings...

Olga and I are inviting others to put together a FOCUS GROUP to turn a great concept into a working idea. We are inviting people who stand for Ukraine to meet and figure out how to make the following concept WORK. We are NOT inviting people to come and debate if it is a good idea or will it work. We LOVE this idea and are committed to making it work and would love to co-develop the idea so that it actually does work. Please read the concept and if you are inspired we would love your participation as we work through the details.

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What we want to accomplish:

We want to do several things at the same time. We want to raise awareness and funds for Ukraine and also provide others opportunities to participate in positive projects in a positive way. There are many small groups forming who need to build teams. There are many individuals who want to do more but need access to "something". We can provide a social doorway for those who are Ukrainian and those who are friends for Ukraine.


For the price of a cup of coffee many people can make a difference. Instead of going to a café' and doing the usual. People instead, can go and have a virtual coffee and meet others who are pro-Ukraine and also people who already started initiatives.

We can get related, and share what is really going on and what we are doing about it. This alone will make a difference and raise awareness.

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As people learn more about what is happening they will also be introduced to solutions that many people are already working on. There will be a E-Store selling mostly Ukraine products that people can purchase in which the proceeds will go towards a particular cause. The store could actually be organized by causes and when inspired by a section they could shop to support a particular cause.

We want to create an attractive website that INSPIRES people to look deeper into Ukraine and learn what they can do to assist.

People who are inspired will always have opportunities to contribute. They can fill the "TIP Jar" or buy from the E-Store. If money is short for them they can also sign up to be a volunteer and will be invited to a survey. The survey will guide participants to initiatives that best suits them based on interests and skills.

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We already found a non-profit organization that creates websites provided we do the following...

Create a domain name, Sign on a to a 15/month contract for server. Create a mission statement one or two sentences long. Create a about us paragraph that is less than one page long. We can leave the server at any time and also use our own designers if we choose to.

In current conversations we discussed this need to be " Ukraine Centric ". People from Ukraine or who are Ukraine should be owning this and in charge of funds as well as have the final word on design etc. Ukraine is the priority.


We want to create a inspirational movement that raises awareness, elevates moral and pulls those who stand for Ukraine... TOGETHER

Focus Meeting #1

In our first meeting we wish to cover a few design concepts so we can develop attractive graphics. We also want to work out the details and brainstorm what would create the most inspirational experience and be most effective at the same time.

Here are some questions to consider...

How do we want it to feel?

How do we want it to work? ( Look at tools such as scheduling, surveys, video chat technology, number of guests etc. )

What do our visitors want, and how do we provide that?

After we discuss these briefly we can brainstorm together and develop a "about us" narrative.

After we finish the narrative we can share what inspires us in the form of a mission statements. When we are all inspired by a statement... that is the statement!

Boom! Then we are ready to get a team together and start creating the website and reaching out to Ukraine artisans, artists and others as well as people who have initiatives but need funding and/or volunteers.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this. If interested please join Biz-Latvia where we will be posting a lot more about it as it develops. If you are already a member please check our Ukraine HUB!

Olga Hrytsan

???? Operaciones bancarias y control operativo | Tesorería | SAP| Gestión de clientes I Dirección Estratégica de Proyectos

1 年

Thank you so much Carl ( Berzins ) Dominguez !!!!


