Virtual Care Guide v1.0
By Henrik L. Ibsen, E-HealthBrains
+45 30701155 (WA)
The purpose of this Reference Guide is to provide a comprehensive overview for institutions to implement a system for virtual care of patients and citizens, limited in time and scope.
The Reference Guide covers all subjects necessary for any institution to build the project from scratch, but essentially this Reference Guide aims to provide project owners and participants a complete overview of all aspects of a Virtual Care or Remote patient Monitoring project(VC/RPM).?
The subjects covered in the Reference Guide are intended to be used as a starting point and a checklist for projects. IT covers all relevant major subjects, gives some initial guidance, but as any projects will soon find - the area of VC/RPM falls under MDR’s Software As a Medical Device (SAMD) which is inherently complicated. ?
Build or buy?
Building a project for VC/RPM from scratch is a daunting task, but if owning IP is a crucial requirement, then this may be necessary - and this Reference Guide covers all the essential subjects that need to be processed in order for the project to be able to succeed.
It cannot be recommended for any project where time is a critical factor, as even the simplest VC/RPM pilot projects takes at least 2 years to complete (not counting FDA/CE approval).
Buying or sourcing an already existing system, will hugely improve the project's ability to start having an impact, as implementation times of 8-12 weeks are not unusual, after the tender has been completed, assuming no major changes are required. The challenge with this, is of course the burden of License cost, and the risk of an inferior product-market fit.
In a procurement scenario the procurers biggest risk is that they, more often than not, are inexperienced and do not have operational experience. In short - “they do not know what they do not know”
In such a situation, this Reference Guide provides an illustrative and complete background for the procurer, that will allow the procurer to assess the bidders with a high probability of making sound choices.
It can be tempting to outsource the entire operation to an existing Virtual Hospital, but as it happens, these are very country specific, and as of summer 2024, not widely available in the market for most countries.?
So whether this Reference Guide is a project guide or a procurement checklist, will depend on political decision, but in either case the subjects covered are the same for any VC/RPM project no matter its character, and can serve as a reference for both the experienced and the inexperienced.
Strategic Planning
Vision and Objectives
It is important to define a clear long term vision, and clear strategic objectives for implementing Virtual Care, addressing the healthcare outcomes expected to improve through this initiative.
The vision should be aimed to achieve permanent and substantial improvements of the healthcare system, and the accompanying strategy to achieve the vision, must be scoped to facilitate a phased approach, that allow start focused and increasing scope through a number of iterations, that allow gradual buildup of experience and knowledge in dedicated competence centres. ?
The complexity of the initial phase will affect the complexity, cost and timeframe of the implementation, and subsequently the point where outcomes can be successfully measured. Since validation of the vision is extremely important to sustain support for any initiative, it is recommended to assess the existing operational experience and choose a level of ambition for the initial phase accordingly, or acquire experience from a 3rd party.
Assuming no existing foundation to build on in such an implementation - the designated project owners will be challenged on all aspects of a project, which calls for a rather limited scope initially to increase the likelihood of a successful implementation and a quick validation of initial objectives.
A vision and high level strategy based on the Global Health Standards report?
The lack of available human resources in the Healthcare system is rapidly becoming one of the biggest problems in modern day healthcare. It is rapidly becoming a substantial challenge to find sufficient Healthcare Professionals to uphold an adequate level of Healthcare.?
Implement Virtual Care to achieve increased capacity, increased patient satisfaction and increased utilisation of physical resources, while maintaining or improving the quality of healthcare.
Select 2 diagnostic conditions and setup 2 separate projects in a designated virtual healthcare organisations that can be used to implement and assess a VC solution of a minimum throughput of 500 patients over a period of at least 6 months - while cooperating with a designated physical or virtual hospital.?
Verify that the solution in fact results in increased capacity, increased patient satisfaction and increased utilisation of physical resources, while maintaining or improving the quality of healthcare.
Adjust, redesign and re-implement in 3 months cycles, until KPI are reached, as the learning curve will be steep, and setbacks are inevitable.
Upon verification - scale up by:
Scoping Virtual Care
The continuum of virtual care ranges from (near ICU) Continuous Monitoring with expensive and regulatory compliant medical devices, to Preventive Screening, where even unregulated wellness devices can be applied.? Obviously continuous monitoring will be high complexity/cost whereas preventive care will be the opposite.?
Selecting appropriate conditions for a pilot project should be centred around the “middle ground” where the current experience and documented results are most prevalent, and once proof of the business case, had been validated - the scope of activities can be expanded with more “middle ground” chronic conditions, and from that point onwards, also to cover continuous monitoring of episodic patients (Virtual Hospitals) as well as preventive screening of citizens, that have been identified to be at risk (Age, BMI etc.).
From a practical point of view - the initial 2 conditions selected for a pilot project, should be selected with the following recommendation in mind, to reduce complexity and increase chances of success:
Max 2 types of measurements required?
This should minimise logistics- and availability issues in most projects.
Example conditions that overlap this could be:
Ideally a project would utilise virtual devices to eliminate the logistics component, as it’s extremely costly and complicated. Where weight-scales are needed, this would have to be addressed with household weight scales to retain a lightweight project. Although scales are not medical devices in households, the upside with avoiding distribution and logistics challenges, more than warrants compromises in the protocol.? is one such device that is distributed as an (CE Marked Medical Device) APP.??
Governance, resources and funding
Establish dedicated organisations and/or agencies empowered to execute projects, and allocate necessary resources to fund the workforce through a tendering process and allocate a budget for the actual project sufficient to accommodate a successful realisation of the objectives.?
Due to the political nature of projects in the public sphere, it can be recommended to institute a trans-governmental agency (or body) that can be mandated by all stakeholders to own the initiative. This allows the establishment of “neutral ground” where all the stakeholders can participate on equal footing in a constructive and progressive manner. Besides the government bodies that are stakeholders,? the board should include representatives for all relevant NGO organisations like Patient associations, Doctors and Nurse associations etc. to create a wide foundation of acceptance and commitment.
Ideally the pilot project is delegated to a single hospital, in order to bypass political challenges and slowing down the pilot, but a broad stakeholder representation is recommended in the steering committee/board.
Skills required
In order to secure a competent team for such a project, it is necessary to ensure key personnel that are highly motivated and have working experience in Healthcare and public administration. The team should be able to cover areas as:
Initial funding must be secured centrally in order to ascertain successful implementation of the initial phase, and while this most likely will end up in a tendered process, the budget must be allocated with some flexibility, as unexpected expenses and challenges will arise that can be impossible to plan for when establishing a new team.
Continued funding is very important to secure, and since this cannot be granted permanently without a substantial documented business case - those economic KPIs must be tracked in the project.
In many countries, legislation can be required to legalise Virtual Hospital in order to promote a project from clinical evaluation to clinical production - this is especially important also for the funding effort, as continued funding is required to create an incentive for scaling up the expected success. Such funding has to be arranged with healthcare Insurance organisations, which is why such organisations are important to include in the stakeholder circle. The negotiation with various partners to create an incentivising structure, must take place very early in order for legislation to take place in time for the vision to gain traction over time. If no such structure is in place, then the project is likely to fail, even if the hospitals can see the practical benefits, they will be bound to operate inside the reimbursement framework of the country, so this should be a high priority issue to address for the seated government.
Architecture and System Requirements checklist
Ideally any implementation should be TRL9 and based best-practise principles of Cloud Computing as?illustrated below.
Virtual Care ECO-System Blueprint
Organisational requirements?
The following units is required to implement a full virtual hospital:
Management and Sales team are obviously also needed in a commercial setting.
In terms of resources for the initial operation the follow FTEs are needed to provide a minimal cover of the above roles: (ball park)
Systems required?
Call Centre systems
Operating a call centre for virtual care and remote patient monitoring requires robust software that can handle multiple functionalities essential to healthcare delivery. Key software requirements (The call-centre specific components.)
Mobile Device Management requirements?
To establish and run a Mobile Device Management (MDM) system effectively, especially one that includes both mobile phones and medical devices, several software requirements need to be met. Here’s a detailed description based on the typical needs of such a system:
1. MDM Software Platform:
2. Security and Compliance Management:
3. Application Management:
4. Device Enrollment and Provisioning:
5. Monitoring and Reporting:
6. Network Management:
7. Integration Capabilities:
8. User Support and Training:
9. Compliance and Policy Enforcement:
Device logistics
When establishing and running a logistics operation for smartphones and medical devices, where distribution is not a primary concern, the focus shifts towards optimising the storage, handling, and management aspects. Necessary physical, practical, and software requirements:
Physical Requirements
1. Storage Facilities:
2. Handling Equipment:
Practical Requirements
1. Staffing:
2. Compliance and Security:
3. Sustainability Practices:
Software Requirements
1. Inventory Management System:
2. Asset Management Software:
3. Security and Monitoring Software:
4. Data Management and Reporting:
Regulatory Requirements?
To operate a logistics centre for the distribution of medical devices in the European Union, several regulatory requirements must be met under the EU Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) 2017/745. These requirements ensure the safety, traceability, and compliance of medical devices distributed within the EU. Here are the key regulatory aspects to consider:
Data collection & Clinical trials
Clinical Investigations are actual Clinical Trials designed for the purpose to document that a certain implementation a protocol for a specific condition is tried and validated, so that the IT-system behind the implementation can add the condition to their CE-Mark, OR to generate evidence for a brand new VC/RPM system that can be submitted as evidence of function and efficacy, so the CE Mark can be grated.
There is most likely not any VC/RPM system that can cover all conditions without additional Clinical Investigations/Trials over time.
It would be prudent to consult experienced Quality Assurance/Regulatory Affairs officers about the detailed requirements, as this is in itself a comprehensive and somewhat bureaucratic process.
Setting up a clinical trial to assess the efficacy of implementing virtual care involves a systematic approach to design and execution. This type of trial typically measures the effectiveness of virtual healthcare delivery compared to traditional face-to-face interactions. Here's a detailed breakdown of the requirements, focusing on the specified Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
Study Design
Ethical Considerations
Recruitment of Patients
Data Collection and Analysis (KPI’s)
Data Security and Privacy
Reporting and Dissemination
Pilot Implementation Steps
To design a pilot project for a virtual care solution using a double-blind clinical trial for 2 different conditions, we need to carefully structure the trial to ensure it meets rigorous scientific standards while also targeting the specified KPIs. Below is a detailed project plan:
Project Overview
Project Phases (Ideally)
Phase 1: Pre-trial Preparation
Phase 2: Trial Launch and Initial Data Collection
Phase 3: First Evaluation and Adjustment
Phase 4: Second Implementation and Data Collection
Iterative Cycles
Expansion Phase
KPIs for Measurement (suggested)
Quality management?
If the project requires bespoke development that falls under MDR to be CE marked, then it is required that such development is done in accordance with ISO13486:2016, in which case such a system must be established.
It is recommended to establish a development environment where all processes from the QMS are enacted and documented through tightly configured processes? (in a Jira-like environment), designed to conform to and deliver required ISO13485 documentation.
The actual QMS should be developed in Hypertext repository (i.e Confluence like) with the add-ons that provide part 11 compliant document control and workflow management.
Alternatively, it is possible to purchase QMS frameworks with a lot of automation in various forms and shapes.
It is extremely important that the production system for the development works IN the QMS and experience? it as an integral part of their work, as opposed to having it imposed from the outside of the development team and maintain the QMS as a separate project from the development. This will lead to non-compliance and bad quality.
Should the project owner decide to purchase a pre existing system that is already CE marked, then the intended use? must be reviewed to ascertain that it in fact does cover the project needs for current and future needs, and an actual Due Diligence with a 3rd party expert is highly recommended.
It is has been seen to happen that suppliers sell systems that have features and functionalities beyond their intended use and regulatory permissions. The responsibility to verify this falls on the purchaser.
This area is extremely important, and also very complicated, so it is highly recommended to add staff with experience in this area from the outset.
ISO 13485:2016 specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS) where an organisation needs to demonstrate its ability to provide medical devices and related services that consistently meet customer and applicable regulatory requirements. Here’s a summary of the key requirements for a QMS that is compliant with ISO 13485:2016:
Scope and Application
Management Responsibility
Resource Management
Product Realisation
Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement
Documentation Requirements
Risk Management
Regulatory Compliance
Internal Audit
Management Review
Compliance with ISO 13485:2016 is crucial for organisations involved in the design, production, installation, and servicing of medical devices and related services, providing a framework to ensure consistent design, development, production, and delivery of medical devices that are safe for their intended purpose.
Regulatory and Compliance Concerns
If the technology solution for the project is purchased from a 3rd party as a bespoke development project, then the below activities will be performed by the supplier, which in turn will be reflected in the project costs.
Should the project owner decide to purchase a pre existing product for the Virtual Care product, then i befalls the buyer to validate the below points through a Due Diligence process, where external consultant(s) which are knowledgeable about CE marking and ISO13485, will be required to assess the compliance and validity of the supplied product and it’s regulatory approval for the scoped project.
Medical Device Regulations (MDR)
The Medical Device Regulation (MDR) (EU) 2017/745, which came into full application on May 26, 2021, is a key regulatory framework for medical devices sold within the European Union. It was designed to ensure a higher level of safety and performance for medical devices being produced in or supplied into Europe. For a project involving the implementation and assessment of a virtual care solution for 2 different conditions , several aspects of the MDR are particularly relevant:
Device Classification
Conformity Assessment
Technical Documentation
Clinical Evaluation
General Safety and Performance Requirements (GSPR)
Post-Market Surveillance
Labelling and Information
Registration of Devices and Economic Operators
Incident Reporting
Compliance with EU Data Protection Regulations
Notified Bodies
For a project such as this, careful attention to MDR compliance from the initial planning stages is crucial to ensure smooth development, approval, and deployment phases, ultimately leading to successful market entry in the EU.
Business Continuity
The hard part about Virtual Care is not bringing a system online - it is to make it work flawlessly with an availability in excess of 99.9%.
Keeping a system alive and functioning well, through updates, changes, integrations and expansions is extremely arduous and taxing. Projects will often experience reintroduction of bugs that already have been fixed, and obvious errors and flaws that should have been found during tests.
Many of the frustrating characteristics of project is caused by the supplier NOT having implemented an effective QMS that complies to ISO13485, and even so immature projects WILL have lots and lots of shortcomings and suboptimal functionalities, and even errors.?
No matter if the project is mature or not, it is required to demonstrate the presence of a Business Continuity Plan.?
A Business Continuity Plan (BCP) for a virtual care project that uses remote patient monitoring systems is essential to ensure that healthcare delivery remains stable and effective, even during disruptions. The plan outlines procedures for maintaining business operations and patient care with minimal impact.
BCP Overview
Risk Assessment
Critical Functions
Roles and Responsibilities
Business Continuity Strategies
Emergency Response Procedures
By following this business continuity plan, the virtual care project can minimise the impact of disruptions on patient care and maintain high standards of service during emergencies.?
The plan should ensure that both patients and healthcare providers are supported and that critical healthcare delivery systems are robust and resilient.
Good job making it through ??
Helping businesses procure with the fastest process, least risk, and best value.
3 周Thanks for sharing your expertise on Virtual Care and RPM Systems, Henrik! What are some common misconceptions people have when starting out with SAMD? And for someone new to this space, what's the first step you would recommend they take?
Expert in Interoperability & Alignment | Bridging MedTech, Digital Health & Healthcare for Enhanced Collaboration
1 个月Very nice!
Digital Health | Clinical Innovation | Data Science | Design of Experiments | Business Analytics | Objectives -> Data -> Evidence -> Decisions
1 个月Wow, what a comprehensive outline - thank you for sharing!
Senior Healthcare Executive
1 个月Thanks Henrik, great to have such intelligence gathered into a single document
Navigating the complexities of Remote Patient Management is crucial. Understanding these elements can greatly enhance outcomes. ?? #HealthcareInnovation