The Virtual Ask
There’s no doubt in my mind that it may be a while longer…maybe not until 2022, when fundraisers will be able to sit down face to face with donors and prospects. I wish I felt differently about this expected timeline and I hope science and the government proves me wrong by getting the majority of our residents vaccinated for COVID by the middle of the year…which leads me to this post.
I honestly never thought I would see the day when I would ask someone to make a 7-figure gift via Zoom. Heck, two years ago how many of us had ever heard of Zoom. But make the ask I did, and it was truly successful. What I learned, is that while there is still no substitute for soliciting a donor/prospect face to face, it can be done using Zoom, some other form of virtual connection software, or even the good old smartphone.
In this particular situation, the donor was a longtime supporter with whom I cultivated a relationship for nearly 3 years. We know each other well and we trust each other. His passion and our mission intersected perfectly, so despite only being able to ask for his major gift support through my laptop screen, while the wi-fi connection was sometimes cutting in and out, it all worked out. Weird for sure, but happy to say it ended up as a win-win.
For months, I told myself it wouldn’t work…that I would have to wait until the vaccination process was complete, and then it would be safe to hit the road again and sit across a coffee table from the donor and ask for support. However, I came to the conclusion that my relationship with this donor was so strong, and the timing was perfect for him, so I needed to make this happen… and make it work.
Fundraisers have been taught and coached for years on best practices, and that includes soliciting major gifts only in a face to face setting. COVD has change the ground rules, perhaps forever, and there is too much at stake to wait until the virus disappears and it’s “safe” again. If the timing is right for your donor/prospect, use whatever technology works best for him/her. If the cultivation process has led to the time for a solicitation, don’t wait! Use your iPhone or Zoom, or whatever you have. You can ask for major gifts now, during a global pandemic, and it can work. Once you get over the initial shock of soliciting a gift “virtually” you’ll be ready to move ahead. Everything about “making the ask” stays the same…it’s almost like you have to “pretend” that you’re sitting across from each other in the person’s home or office.
Give it a shot and here’s to your success!