A viral change to our future
Paritosh Singh
Reinsurance, Insurance, Data Protection, Consultant, Strategy, Design Thinking, Agile, Healthtech, Insurtech, P&C, L&H
One of the most interesting behavioural commonality between a human and a virus is - "Making mistake/s".
When virus enters our body, it's first job is to seek a cell to latch on to. Once it enters that human cell, it orders that it to make copies of it's RNA, which allows it to prosper further. It sometimes does "mistakes" while copying RNA, which results into a mutation! If you're a fan of Spiderman, you'd know that these mutations could either result in a good or an evil. Something similar happened to the Corona Virus as well.
While we are flooded with data of positive, negative & deads on our screens, one data in particular is missing which is "genome sequencing". This way at least we'd know what hit us!
But in a long run this virus and other deadly diseases, will change the dynamics of human life and the way it has been lived so far. Knowing that your chances of death increases many folds each decade after 30, the generation next will devote their time much differently than we did.
In my previous blog I mentioned how "Working Life" and "Education" space could change, some other areas of life might see significant changes as well:
Personal Investments/Expenses:
- Quality of hospital time would be the best investment and Health Insurance will gain the focus it never did before. Time for Health Insurers to rise and shine like never before!
- Investments into real estate will change it's requirement, from matchbox-sized flats in the city center to an individual villa in midst of the nature.
- Investments into the Battery-Operated cars/bikes would increase with decrease in interactions requiring physical presence as they have fewer parts and require less complicated service routine and thus a longer shelf-life. "Bad news for Oil economies".
- Expenses on a combination of personal care and physical fitness will increase with a focus on what goes inside the stomach. All in an effort to boost immunity and taking an optimally functional body into the old age.
- Focus on acquiring lesser liabilities compared to previous generation will be quite noticeable. It might boost rental or hiring model of businesses.
- Reliability and onus on infrastructure, it's maintenance and new and faster modes of transport will again fall back on the governments. It might just boost the public sector undertakings.