The Violence Within...
In an ideal world, violent storms would only hit the shores where they could do the greatest damage.

The Violence Within...

How can we defeat the dementors lurking deep within?
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My Poetry on the violence brewing in our minds!

I'm not in a melancholy mood at all!

Why do I not have any emotions?

Our current environment is one of the dirtiest in the world.

And I feel like we're trying to clean the crap and pee out of our life on this dirty, Goddamn helpless planet...

...and the bile that permeates every city drain and every brain!

I'm not in a melancholy mood at all!

Why do I not have any emotions?

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Wars must be brutal and vicious to our heart's content!

Is it necessary that we always present the worst version of ourselves?

Yesterday, I said a socially awkward and emotionally distraught but otherwise wonderful human being, "Dear, what does not kill you makes you stronger." To paraphrase the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, "Out of life's school of war—what doesn't kill me, makes me stronger" was written in 1888. This phrase has been repeated to death, but I still think it captures the spirit of determination and confidence in facing hardship.

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How do I convince the kid that it is not him but society which is wrong? Are we so intolerant towards someone who is slightly differently abled? Are we so discriminatory at heart?

What am I supposed to do now that I've tried to reassure him by telling him that the insensitive community in which he lives is the true monster? Why can't we find room in our hearts for just one person who is different from us? When we speak about diversity and inclusion, is this what we mean? We're very biased in our efforts, decisions, and assessments. War is necessary because it allows us to release the awful load of civilisation we carry. In this work, Freud is a symbol of a bleak outlook. His analysis of the inner conflicts of the human psyche (between the ego and the id, the pleasure principle and the reality principle, the unconscious and the conscious mind, etc.) is then applied to the larger context of human society. Conflict becomes a defining feature of civilisation, and the strains that characterise the individual psyche spread out into the cultural institution. In this way, Freud is representative of the era's widespread cultural pessimism or anti-modernism: a sceptical attitude toward the progress of civilisation. Freud released The Future of an Illusion in 1927, in which he attacked religion and religious belief as a collective illusion and an attempt to avoid facing the harsh truths of life.

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Religion is just a tool for the wise or the fools!

This work serves as a prologue to civilisation since it introduces the first extension of a psychoanalytic issue into common cultural practice. In the opening chapters of Civilization, Freud addresses a critique of Future of an Illusion by his friend, the French writer and critic Romain Rolland. Rolland agrees with Freud that religion is an illusion, but he argues that everyone feels a pull toward religion anyway. This sense of oneness with the earth and all of humanity is what Rolland calls an "oceanic" emotion. It's complete unity and freedom from any constraints.

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The theories of Freud may be controversial or outdated but remains the best point to begin reading psychological theories. For the journey to knowledge matters more than the end itself!

Freud agrees that there is such an "oceanic" emotion, but he does not think it indicates a predisposition for religion. Instead, he uses his own psychoanalytic experience to explain. Having no limits, feeling at one with everything, For Freud, narcissism in infancy is a point of connection. According to Freud, this is the period from just after birth to about the second or third year. During this time, the kid has no concept of an external universe outside their subjective experience. When a child first experiences a lack or the feeling of unfulfillment, it enters a state of extreme narcissism in which the ego subsumes the universe. Only then does the infant learn that it depends on other people and objective reality to meet its needs? For the young kid, the world is an unwelcome "other" that can only be encountered in a negative light: as an obstacle to be overcome, an interruption to the pursuit of pleasure, a source of danger, and an unpleasant experience. According to Freud, the existence of the objective world is signalled by the fact that the ego cannot fulfil its own need but must seek pleasure from somewhere else, from some other that the ego cannot control.

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True love doesn't just happen. Instead, it calls for self-control, focus, patience, faith, and the ability to put ego aside. It's not an emotion but a learned skill.

The spirituality that Rolland calls "religious" This infantile narcissism, Freud argues, persists as a psychic artefact. He says it's usual for people to retain certain features of their earlier phases of mental development even after they've progressed beyond them. The sensation of being "at one with the water" is an egocentric holdover from our psyche. (Check pages 724–725) in Freud Reader.

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Be a peacemaker by making peace where you can to help bring about global peace. Instead of prolonging a debate that would make you more upset, it's better to agree to disagree and go on.

According to Freud, religious fervour stems not only from a recollection of primal narcissism but also from the helplessness and dependence of a newborn in need of protection from an external, superior authority. As a result, gods in many faiths are portrayed as father figures as symbolic representations of the need for a parent-like presence in one's life. (For the complete reference, see Freud Reader 727.)

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You should protect your skin from the acidic words of poisonous individuals. It's possible for the individual who just aided you in spreading slander about someone else to assist someone else in spreading slander against you.

One look at society, and we will know that religion, instead of uniting homo sapiens as a race, is becoming increasingly toxic towards human prosperity and the existence of nature! In May of 2022, 26-year-old Shraddha Walker was brutally murdered by her live-in lover Aaftab Amin Poonawala, who reportedly strangled her to death before chopping off her head. After being contacted by the victim's parents, Delhi police detained Aaftab on Saturday (11/11). Poonawal is suspected of murdering Shraddha and dismembering her corpse into 35 pieces. This is only one horrifying aspect of the heinous crime. The ten most frightening details of the murder are as follows.

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So long as it's someone else's witch being chased, everyone enjoys a good witch hunt.

The root question is what I have repeatedly been raising for many years through my articles, such as in the article titled 'Use Compassion - Wisely, Widely and Wildly!'. Or the scarcity of food makes a society hunt its fellow members like animals to survive, aptly chronicled in my article titled 'Witch Hunt: Seal up the mouth of hunger for a while. In my article titled 'Lockdown Chronicles: The Original Sin of being poor in India', I even reported on how our psychological blind spots trap our judgements and make our wrong choices, elaborated in a three-series article titled 'Six Lies You Believe Everyday - Part I, II & III. In part two of the three-part series, I talked about how public apathy can lead to murderers and sociopaths committing violent crimes publicly! The third part of the article was more of my philosophy rather than social and individual psychology.

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Not our opponents' words, but our friends' quiet will live long in our memories.

The point is - How long would we choose to remain silent on these issues? I am a Poet and aspiring philosopher on the journey of self-discovery. I have travelled the realms from being an atheist - to an agnostic - to a theist. I know my role is to be the conscience keeper of whole humanity...What about you?

You may bury your head like an ostrich, but the Dharmayudh is just around the corner, and I expect GOD to join our forces.

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Take him when he dies and snip him into small stars; he'll improve the heavens so much that people everywhere will start worshipping the moon instead of the gaudy sun.
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Meaning - I am coming, I am coming, when there is a loss of religion, then I am coming, when the iniquity increases, then I am coming to protect the gentlemen, to destroy the wicked I am coming in to establish religion and I am born in the age of era.

It is time to act and not just sit and reflect!
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Everyone here is Abhimanyu; the only difference is that most of us become lost in the mazes we build for ourselves. It takes time for individuals to realise that they have the key to their freedom. A little self-reflection is all that's needed.

My wife's sage advice has convinced me that it is time to quit, despite my desire to continue exploring the issue. My wife watched me write this post with great interest and asked me, "What would you change by writing this?" I answered him truthfully, "I don't know...Uhm...maybe nothing!" She took a few long breaths, then said sympathetically, "Why don't you try something different with your time?" Like a rebellious preteen, I stood up for her counsel. Upon hearing me ask, "What is the assurance that anything else will alter anything?" she beamed and flashed me her customary grin. Indeed, it can't be much worse than doing anything, right? Here we have an actual Checkmate in the making! And in my defence, like an addict who can't seem to kick the habit, I provide Ghalib's words: ... ...

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It would take a lifetime of sighing to change the result. Who among us will be around to see this come to fruition? There is no relief from life's pain other than to end it. The candle suffers through every rainbow colour as it burns (in vain) from night to daylight.

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If you are more robust, you feed the lady else. You choose to be a stranger to feed the tiger, shown as Joker here.

Epilogue:?Arguments typically have a plurality of causes. Hence, the only thing constant about my views and perspectives is that they change...and sometimes... diapers altered by an older man under the twin influence of - mobility impairment & loose motion. I rationalise it as an essential cost for being open! The views expressed are fluid in nature and a result of the subject, length and tone of my conversation/s at 'Brown Chai ki tapri'; the intensity and duration of scolding received from my mother; the number of zombies killed by me in 'Plant vs Zombies' & the gestation period of both the view & research done on the idea I am writing about...and hence, liable to change in time, space, degree or manner...even contrary to those you read today! Feel free to challenge, disagree, or share the wisdom that God is supposed to bless and not replace psychiatric treatment. The sceptics with action bias are further encouraged to file an RTI demanding the details, duration and expenses incurred towards my psychotherapy...but...I reserve my right to delete any comment, even if your comment is an insufficient but essential part of an unnecessary but sufficient argument! Or for any reason, I may create (abusive, profane, rude, anonymous, not appreciative enough) – so would you keep it polite...if you may...please...

Disclaimer: It would be dangerously unwise – even if the concomitant pauperism is not factored in – to play tic-tac-toe between my personal and professional opinion (read life), as defunct as either might be. Hence, if/some/everything is stupid here - It is mine and mine alone ( can't have what is mine!). Apologies in advance for the cliched repeat, "The opinions expressed here are strictly personal and my own and not those of my employer."

#learning #love #power #empathy #sympathy #selfrealization #innategoodness #zen #philosophy #letgo #liveinpresent #coronavirusindia #coronavirusoutbreak #coronavirus2020 #corona #lockdown #selfquarantine #selfisolation #fears #fearlessness #migrants #indianpoor #hunger #wagelabourers #covid19 #inthistogether #mythoughts #hungry #starving #contemplate #askyourself #migrantworkers #poverty #inequality #safetynet


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