VillagesOKC Opens Monthly Series with 'Finding Purpose'
“Having a purpose gives meaning and is the key to a quality life at any age”, says Michael Houston, PhD. Associate Professor at Southern Nazarene University.
On January 8 at 10:00 am Professor Houston will lead the first of the monthly Positive Aging sessions. The series is free to the community sponsored by VillagesOKC. VOKC holds the 90 minute learning sessions in the Business Conference Center at MetroTechnology Center’s Springlake campus at 1900 Springlake Drive. The monthly series covers topics on health, wealth and relationships all designed to raise the quality of life for mature adults.
Dr Houston’s research shows that having a purpose leads to better mental and physical health and gives increased resilience in the face of challenges.
“Dr. Houston’s presentation will focus on finding purpose because people with purpose tend to live longer, experience less stress and have a more positive outlook on life,” concluded Gaylene Stiles, Education Director at VillagesOKC.
According to Johns Hopkins University people who chose a positive outlook were more likely to live with fewer health problems and one-third less likely to have a heart attack, even when their family history had high risk.
Ms Stiles concluded that “If it is true that ‘birds of a feather flock together,’ then attending the VillagesOKC sponsored monthly Positive Aging could be the way to extend quantity and quality of life. “
The genesis of the year-long Positive Aging Series is to offer the adult community opportunities to hear from local professionals and learn action steps to stay vibrant and in control in this stage of life. Each month attendees also can meet education partners who provide valuable information. The monthly events also offer free hearing and vision screenings as well as limited transportation. Please call for details.
The event is FREE with online registration available at or by calling 405.990.6637.