The Village in the Tree - a cautionary tale
1. In Pursuit of Truth
I told the story widely
Of the Village in the Tree
So widely that it seemed to some
To have veracity
Debates arose and there were those
Who said "No!", and yet
Some said "Well ...
In pursuit of human betterment
May be true -
This lowly fool may be a savant yet!"
They took me off to see
A Doctor of Philosophy
Who sat down
And with a frown
Sought to know,
With eyes aglow
The story of the Village in the Tree
I told him that it was not true
Into an instant rage he flew
“How dare you venture an opinion
When one in all the land and kingdom
Arbiter of light and truth
Recipient of approbation
Bestowed by Royal Proclamation
Shall weigh the matter and expound
Where the font of truth be found”
He sucked his teeth and paced the room
From morning light 'till evening gloom
Finally he turned to me ...
"'Tis known by all for a certainty
That in a Universe so wide
As to conceal its farthest side
All that excites the mind of Man
Is somewhere to be found - I can
Enumerate the panoply
Of bounteous serendipity
Of miraculous discovery
So by the power granted me
I declare the Village in the Tree
The essence
The epitome
Of guaranteed veracity!”
Woe is me
My simple fable simply told
Inexplicably enrolled
In the illustrious company
of Pythagoras and Archimedes
2. Origins
Among the tales of antiquity
None rarer may be found
Than the fable (none are able
to dispute its authenticity)
Of the Village in the Tree
The tree from fabled seed had grown
Hybridized, of unique genome
Baobab and Sycamore
Joshua and Bristlecone
Mystic and eternal
Yggdrasil itself
Could not be the equal
Of the tree that we envision
At the center of our fable
Whence came people to the tree?
How were they able
To construct a village
Nestle it in verdant green
Hang it in the place between
The rootstock far below
And the clouds that with the sun do glow
And hide the crown in misty glory
This falls not in the scope
Of my story
Nor can I explain
The reservoirs that catch the rain
The cunning plans that irrigate
Exotic crops - the tools of yore
Forged without an earthy ore
Yet able to facilitate
Works of carpenter and more
Those of civil engineer
Performed with muscle sweat and little more
Than that which happened to be near
Though hidden by the mists of time
These practicalities
Arranged in perfect order
(Like sixteen types of quark
And spools of super-string
Mystically supporting
The shape of everything)
Needs-must be as real
As the vision in our eye
The crystal-clear impression
Of the Village in the Sky
3. The Village in the Sky
The Village in the Sky?
Well might the gentle reader cry
Protesting - yet we don't forsake
More correctly, we have not forsook
The title writ upon the spine
And the cover of the book
Our tale is still arboreal
Confusion is ephemeral
Our persistent theme will be
The Village in the Tree
The perspective of observers
Is differentiated
Compared to that of those within
The realm investigated
Then we are not surprised
That the Village in the Tree
Is known by those that live therein
Quite contrarily
As the Village in the Sky
"Point made and noted
Please pass on
To a point of relevancy"
Yet gentle reader we must dwell
Awhile upon this piquancy
For in this matter by and by
The fate of the Village in the Sky
Shall be seen to have been chosen
By the naive determination
Of the villagers not to be
The Village in the Tree
Let me explain …
4. Heterodoxy
Earlier in our narrative
I took care to explain
That the origin of all
Is something quite arcane
Please do not presume to think
Such ignorance is mine alone
For the dwellers in the tree
All were equally at sea
That is, they had as little grasp
Of their own antiquity
As that afforded you or me
Ignorance begets a world
Of bright imagination
Untrammeled by the tiresome bounds
Of factual limitation
Where even grubby tramps may dare
To believe themselves to be
Unjustly disinherited
Royal progeny
Subjected to the will
Of long-term infatuation
It is possible
That a population
May believe themselves to be
That which they are clearly not
On outside investigation
The entire habitation
Of the Village in the Tree
Proved to be
In such a shameful spot
Not to put too finer point
On our prognostication
The villagers upon the tree
Shared the same hallucination
In their naive estimation
The tree from clouds was suspended
Roots to the base were appended
Merely for decoration?
Thus "Village in the Sky are we"
Proudly declaimed the majority
And violent the strife
Bitter the animosity
T'ward any with the temerity
To wish to be
The Village in the Tree
Complex inferiority
Abandoning its principles
Deserting historicity
Descending imperceptibly
To general mediocrity
Grants assent
Once will is bent
To the general will
And even Sayers of the nay
Cast up their hands
Say "What the hey -
Village in the Sky are we”
Despite abandoned certainty
Of the nature of reality
5. Aside
Finally the pump is primed
We look within and there we find
Within the mill blessed grist
Now perhaps as trees may tower
Our narrative
Our parody
Our flight of moral fantasy
As if emerging from the mist
Shall flower
6. The Council
"After due deliberation
We hereby make our proclamation"
(It is understood
That is, we understand
We in the Council chamber stand,
That is, we in it stood)
Pausing for effect dramatic
The Council Leader - rarely static
Raised his arms in supplication
To conclude the great oration
"No longer we
As the center of philosophy
Accept the premise wrongly planted
Of dependency upon the tree
Though we nestle in its bough
The tree in its entirety
Does not assure prosperity
Its nether regions then as now
Encumbering our sacred vow
To be free
Free of earthly mundane ties
Free to float into the skies
Free to choose our destiny"
At this all in attendance rise
Giving vent to joyful cries
When once order was restored
The Leader motioned with his sword
(The ceremonial sword of office
Worn at times of greatest need
So that to the Leader
All should pay the closest heed)
He motioned with his sword
To introduce august and loyal
The servant of his Lord
The Philosopher - Royal
7. The Royal Philosopher
The great man rose
A silence fell
"On matters of philosophy
Fact and practicality
As the prime authority
All defer to me"
Privately I must confirm
His hubris and pomposity
Excelled all other quality
As you may foretell
If you know him well
"'Tis well known that gravitation
Is the proven emanation
In proportion to the rank
Of heavenly procession
Therefore 'tis plain the force that pulls
The tree upright from ground to crown
From the Sun proceedeth down
And to our dire consternation
Shackled to the ground are we
By the rootstock of the tree
And this accursed manacle
Obstructs our dream of floating free
We must act at once" said he
"Without prevarication"
"Added to the sacrifice
Of eager volunteers
Shall be heroic products
Of Master Engineers
By sweat and toil and diligence
And labor of the Prole'
We'll cut the foul umbilicus
And rise together whole
Finally we shall be free
No longer Village in the Tree
We shall fly and own the view
Of horizons that are new"
"Aye" said the villagers
Held within the thrall
"Aye" said the villagers
They said it one and all
"Aye" said the villagers
They fairly shook the hall
(Not a member I
Of that fateful quorum
Merely to record the day
Sat I in the forum)
"Now should the work begin!"
Though in fact it had begun
In secrecy some years before
According to the noble law
Affording secrecy to kings,
Initiative in noble things
Since the work could not be hid
T'was time to guide the common mood
In the path of common good
That all may share the pleasure
That all may share the pain
Perhaps more importantly
That all may share the blame
"In anticipation of your every need
And through divination of decisions now agreed
Our most Royal Patron
Wisely did proceed
Without hesitation
To commence the deed
Providing liberation - to my words give heed
You thought the project just begun
When in fact 'tis nearly done!"
Thus spoke the Royal Philosoph'
And took his hat and glasses off
8. Anticipation
The villagers were gathered yet
Their robust outburst of assent
Still hanging in the air
A tremor stiffened every hair
The village creaked
The village swayed
Like a fiddle poorly played
The villagers rushed to see
The cause of instability
"Feel the tugging of the sun
See its grasping rays
How wondrous is the Cosmos
In all its knowing ways"
Assured the Royal Philosoph'
And took his hat and glasses off
(Earlier he'd put them on)
The villagers implored the sun
To complete their levitation
But the village and the tree
Hastened its gyration
A distant roar of splintering
Warned of separation
Now heroic products
Of Master Engineers
On each other gnashed
'Twas painful to the ears
Meeting in the middle
Where once there had been trunk
Nothing more was heard
Than an awful "thunk"
9. Gratification
Contrary to the expectation
Of all gathered there
The Village in the Tree
Descended through the air
Tumbling most gracefully
The Village in the Tree
Was briefly Village in the Sky
But lacking competence to fly
Became the Village on the Ground
Devastated all around
By good fortune I had grasped
The final leaf as it fluttered past
The final view will stay with me
The face of mute disbelief
As the Philosoph' observed my leaf
Then fell toward infinity
Yet I am sure that while he fell
He assured himself that all was well
Reality, though defective
Would at the end be self-corrective
Would align canonically
With most Royal Philosophy
These musings, though most comforting
Reprieve of sentence could not bring
Realisation - out of time
Marked the end of a paradigm
10. Epilogue
A tree within a forest fell
None survived to note it well
If your tree should start to fall
Will anyone survive at all
Survive to tell what fantasy
Destroyed your Village in a Tree