Village Critical Situations and Inclusivity
The procedures, that the native villages must go through, while following a disciplinary process, is critical indeed. These among other things, were some of the focus of conversations, with the village headman, who is a son of my late cousin. His statement had provided some interesting narratives, about how the sensitivity of the current native village bi-laws, must be reviewed thoroughly and accordingly, in time and space.
According to him, kidz disrespect of the elders, is becoming an issue, on a daily basis. Nowadays, providing corporal punishment to kidz, is interlinked with the zero policy of the same, provided to teachers, from the mainstream formal schools. There is a general slackness in parental support for kidz and this is as a result of the communal stereotype scapegoat rationales. ''Parents tell me to give them hiding at times but am afraid, that I might end up in the court of law'', according to the headman of the village. A native village, could be a breading ground, for many success stories, if it's current affairs, are handled most appropriately. On the same, it could be a worst nightmare space for some, who may view it as being vindicatively subjective, draconian, snaking, or being objective, in handling case sensitive issues.
There is a series of procedures, that needs to be taken and abided with, to address these rather very complicated and social complex issues. As a matter of fact, one must know, that the law must be sharp, on both the sides, to deal with these normative cross cutting issues, as such. Identifying the kid and providing a tongue lashing disciplinary measure, is unlawful too. In such situations, it is appropriate to speak at first with the kidz, telling them nicely and softly, of the nature of their behavior and the side effects, repercussions, or it's final consequences too.
Kidz are born and bred within institutions, that are not only static and processual in form, but interlinked with the other village institutions too. It is not by choice, that they (i.e. kidz) are born into such an institution, that latter on denies them their basic fundamental rights, privilege's and freedom. These basic rights include food, shelter, clothing, internet, peer groups, celebrities etc, etc, Notwithstanding, they are also a product of a growing global village imagery sites, whose members are virtually connected, while at the same time constantly communicating with one another, on a daily basis. It is on such platforms, that they exchange cross cultural information's, which compels and drives them often, to do things that are considered rational, or irrational too at times.
Kidz nowadays, are driven by both external and internal factors, that are often outcome based orientated. Kidz first policies and it's inclusion into the mainstreams, would result in the social re-engineering, of the existing structural and functional roles, of institutions. As an illustration, during the post-pandemic era, our views about the current institutional learning process, will result in a paradigm shift, of both the formal and informal learning outcome strands.
A wider spectrum of the close knit community setbacks, may require a more participatory type, both cognate and cognitive skills learning opportunities, for their kidz. Kidz experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, has unraveled some of the critical basic life skills fundaments, that are not usually taught, during the interactive formal classroom learning situations. Virtually within the social media platforms, kidz are learning first hand contemporary situations, besetting their own peers, the world over. While many of what they observe, are forces to be reckoned with, in terms of providing very intimate lifelong learning situations, the outcome may not be the same, as one may expect it to be.
Many of them (i.e. kidz), know of their rights, either as a displaced, or as a voluntary member, of any village. In situations, where the government has relaxed itself from the village boundaries, the obvious is apparent. A counselor or a group of counselors, should be made available, at the village, to deal with such complicated issues. These counselors, should be sourced from within the village and with the possibilities of providing village advocates as well. These counselors, will provide counselling sessions, as well as mitigate concerned issues, between the natives and the government of the day institutions.
Counselling of parents or guardians, must be provided, as well. Parents and guardians, are very much responsible, for the nature of the kidz they raise and they should be supported in every way possible, to raise their kidz. This is a fundamental policy issue and attempts must be made, for its localization and adaptation. Even clans or the lineage heads, must be trained, to handle very culturally sensitive issues, which may bear consequences, on kidz
Kidz unquestionable abilities, to enjoy life to the full, must have a normative accountable and transparent key features. Somewhere along the line, certain things may have been overlooked, leading to any social deviance's, within society. There is a need to build capacity, to cushion the impacts of any further displacement, final relocation, personal crisis, or any internal/external driven conflicts. Mitigating for the plights of the internally displaced person's (i.e. idp), forms the bulk of the climate change anthropogenic resilience overarching issues.
Some kidz have grown and they have become so powerful too in society, even though they lack social support, whilst growing up. As an illustration, Mr Fischer, a New Zealander was one such personality. After dropping off from grade three, Fischer joined a fish catching boat crew, to earn a meagre income for his family. He latter on became the successful owner, of the Fischer and Paykel manufactured products. Within developing countries, it is important to critically analyze situations, before making any haphazard insensible moves, to jeopardize the emerging future, of the various indigenous human treasures.