Vignettes on Prayer - Aug 22
Robert Dean Steel
Minister at Cornerstone Community Church and Radio Personality at AM 930 the Light in Edmonton. Author & Musician
Aug 22 - Vignettes on Prayer
????One thing we fight with more than anything is not the devil but our old nature.?Paul exhorts us in Rom 12:1-2, to present ourselves to the Lord as a living sacrifice.?Jesus tells us that we must die daily and crucify the flesh.?David says in Psalm 51 that we were born in iniquity and sin.?This following prayer is a direct attack on the most troublesome part of our nature the flesh.?— I now sincerely receive Jesus Christ as my sanctification, particularly as my cleansing from the old nature, and ask the Holy Spirit to apply to me the work of Christ accomplished for me in the crucifixion. In cooperation with and dependence upon Him, I obey the command to “put off the old man” (Ro 6:1-14; I Co 1:30; Gal 6:14; Eph 4:22).?The old has past and the new has come.?Let us claim that victory today.Aug 22 - Vignettes on Prayer