VIGILANT: Leadership Potential
In the Book, I go to lengths to describe the nature of managerial leadership. I define “Managerial leadership” as that leadership exercised by those in management positions. It is the integration of tasks and people, and I posit that one is not better than the other, but they both need to be exhibited by those in managerial leadership positions.
This week I was reminded by one of our associates, Jane Graydon, of the nature of “leadership” by itself. While I gave it a fleeting glance in the book, Jane’s conversation got me thinking.
What of those who have that innate leadership capability but are not in positions of authority to practice it? What of emergent leadership? How well do we recognize that ability in someone who, by virtue of their current role, doesn’t have the chance to shine?
I believe this is often the purview of youth because they don’t get that chance to lead others but may have the characteristics that make them great leaders – able to influence others to achieve a goal.?
The Army has a unique approach to this. Young soldiers are continually assessed for their leadership traits. Some do and, of course, some don’t, and some look like they have it, only to find out later that fatal flaws have ruined their potential.?
So, as you read this, think about those that may be getting overlooked for leadership opportunities. Are they overlooked because they aren’t like our model leader? Are they ignored because they don’t look like us? Are they forgotten because they haven’t gone through the school of hard knocks like us? Are they overlooked because they don’t have the experience? As you can see, this is why diversity, equity, and inclusion are so important in our world today.?
Leadership can be learned, but it must be valued. Also, I believe it does not require any work experience. In the Army,?soldiers are tested for their leadership potential with “small party tasks”: getting the parachutist out of a tree; changing a vehicle tire without tools. All of these don’t rely on experience. They rely on judgment, creativity, and, most importantly, the ability to connect with others.?
So, as you reflect, look about you for the diamonds in the rough. Look at friends and family, where the leaders are, and how you can nurture them.?
Steadfast, Vigilant, and Optimistic