Viewpoint: Why Should You Subscribe
???Were it left to me to decide if we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.” Thomas Jefferson
?? ?Nearly 3,000 of you are receiving a free copy of our newspaper this week. The majority of you are in Pueblo County and have probably received several papers each year for a long time. Our purpose is to encourage you to subscribe to the Greenhorn Valley View. The focus of our paper is the Rye-Colorado City area followed by southern Pueblo County. We carry very little state or national news with the exception of occasional opinion pieces.
?? ?On August 9, we will have owned the newspaper for 15 years.
?? ?This free copy of the newspaper is not typical in several respects. We are always at least 16 pages, full color, but this issue has a very high percentage of advertising. The normal paper is about 1/3 advertising and 2/3 news and features. This one is reversed. We like to give our advertisers additional exposure two times each year.
?? ?We are very thankful for our advertisers. Many of them have been with us for all 15 years. Although subscriptions help fund the paper, the advertisers are the ones who make us a success. So, indulge us as we give them a chance to make you aware of them. In a normal week they will also be supporting us, just not as many at one time.
?? ?“A good newspaper is a nation talking to itself.” Arthur Miller
?This is really a good time to subscribe to the paper. Soon, we will begin to print articles with local politicians debating issues head-to-head against their opponent.
?? ?As a voter we have much more impact on the local races and, over the last 15 years, the Greenhorn Valley View has become an integral part of the local political landscape. Candidates are paired off against their opponents and answer the same set of questions. The more local the election, the more obvious it is to the voter whether a candidate will represent their views.
?? “I’d love to rise from the grave every ten years or so and go buy a few newspapers.” Luis Bunuel
?? ?Over the years we have built quite a reputation for an interesting history section. Writer Cheryl Johnson Huban is nationally known, and she has done a tremendous amount of history about the valley to share with our readers. It is always one of the first sections many people read.
?? ?We also believe the Founding Fathers knew what they were doing when they established Freedom of Religion. Each week one of the ministers/pastors/chaplains of nearly every church in town shares a meditation with our readers. We believe that “One Nation Under God,” is a good thing, don’t you?
?? ?“Every time a newspaper dies, even a bad one, the country moves a little closer to authoritarianism…” Richard Kluger
?? ?We also feel a responsibility to share our opinion with you. That being said, we always allow you to share yours as well. The Viewpoint is a popular place for people to go each week. It is always on page two and, if you don’t like something you read there, you can send us a Letter to the Editor. With a few minor requirements such as including your name and sticking as close to 350 words as possible, you will see it in print.
?? ?If you live in Pueblo County it costs you $37.50/year to get the paper. We also have a great E-edition available for just $25/year, and a new website we renovated a few years ago.
?? ?And, for our 15th Anniversary we are planning to offer subscription discounts on both.
?? Of course, we have local news, local sports, stories about businesses in the area, trips in the area, and events in the area. There are recipes and puzzles, and classifieds and service directories, wildfire updates and news on crime. Read about the things the schools are doing, along with the local government agencies.
?? ?We’re pretty sure you will find something every week that you can’t find anywhere else. And, unlike social media, it will be true! Please join us.
?? ?“All I know is what I read in the papers.” Will Rogers