Viewpoint: Please Write Us a Letter

I must say that one of my favorite articles in the View is the compilation of 'What Our Readers Say' from your subscription renewal forms. For the last 12 years we have gotten feedback from our readers, and many of the things they tell us become part of the paper.

For those of you getting a free copy of the paper this week, know with certainty that if you become a subscriber and have an opinion we will print it if you so desire (letter to the editor), and we will also consider what you say when you renew your subscription.

At the same time, when we print 'What Our Readers Say’ I am also a little surprised by some of the comments.

One of the most surprising this month was under the section, 'What Features Would You Like to See in the Greenhorn Valley View?'

The response was, 'a summary of Metro Board meetings and how issues are being addressed.'

I had several thoughts, the first being that every time there is a Metro meeting it's covered thoroughly in the very next issue of the paper. The meetings are on Tuesday night, and the reporter writes the story Tuesday night so it can make the paper before we send the pages to print on Wednesday evening.

Speaking of reporters, we have had a series of really good ones covering that meeting. Currently, that job belongs to Shirley Pigg who, since COVID, is our only regular reporter. Those of you who read her stories know that she writes impartially and presents the facts of the meetings very well.

As to the part about how issues are being addressed, that is a little tougher. As a member of the board in my second term, I can say we take twice as long as we need to in meetings primarily because of infighting and a refusal on the part of some board members to be part of a team.

If I have misinterpreted this subscriber's comment, please feel free to contact me at (719) 676-3401 and explain. You are absolutely correct that the Colorado City Metropolitan board meetings are very important.

Another comment that caught my eye was this one, 'It seems politics play a huge part in who can submit letters to the editor in one month.'

This one upsets me a lot. In 12 years, we have refused ONE letter because I felt it was slanderous. I sent that one back to the person who wrote it and asked them for a rewrite. 

The letters we get, that follow the posted guidelines in the newspaper as to length and frequency, we print. I would love to receive letters from both ends of the political spectrum, but we do not. 

Conservatives seem to be much more willing to share their beliefs, perhaps because the majority in our immediate area are conservatives. I would love for someone with a liberal view to write twice a month (the maximum allowed). An exchange of ideas is always a positive thing, and I hold the right to express ideas very dear indeed.

In the same vein, someone made the comment, 'Don’t post negative angry messages against the Democrats.'

I assume they were referring to the pro-conservative, anti-liberal paid advertising that was purchased by an individual identified on the ads. Again, I would have welcomed an opposing point of view. This election was divisive. The last several elections have been divisive. Fortunately, we are free to have our opinions, express our opinions, and advertise our opinions. That will be honored by the Greenhorn Valley View, regardless of my personal beliefs. The only place my beliefs should be obvious is in the editorial I write each week, and it is clearly stated that those are my opinions. 

Your thoughts are welcome too. If you agree, disagree, or partially disagree your thoughts matter. Almost weekly, the following appears on page two with the Letters to the Editor.

The Greenhorn Valley View welcomes your opinion in the form of a Letter to the Editor. Please type or email so your views can be published accurately. Letters must contain appropriate language and focus on issues rather than individuals. The View editorial staff reserves the right not to publish any letter deemed offensive, or malicious. Letters must be signed and no longer than 350 words in length. Limit two letters per month per writer.

Looking forward to hearing from you.Viewpoint:


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