Viewpoint: Drive-Thru Blood Draw
I need a little help making a decision. That is unusual for me. I usually decide things pretty quickly and then move on. But, for some reason, I am having some problems deciding what the proper thing to do is in this circumstance. Maybe you can help?
A brief bit of background. For longer than I can remember, every time I have a physical my blood work indicates I may have thyroid issues. The deviation is small and I am usually told that they will check my blood again and, if the numbers persist, they will want to put me on thyroid medication.
I return in whatever time period is prescribed and my numbers are barely in the acceptable range and I remain medication free.
About two years ago my doctor decided to just take blood every six months. He is not going to wait a year. So, about a month ago, the time for my semi-annual blood draw showed up on the calendar.
Herein begins the quandary. For some reason I am a little hesitant to go into a medical facility. The thought has occurred to me that there might be germs in that medical facility because sick people go there. Normally I don’t worry to much about that but at the moment I have some anxiety that some of those germs can’t be killed. Understand what I mean?
So, I decided I would just wait until those germs were no longer occupants of the medical facility or a way was found to kill them.
Then I began getting phone calls reminding me that I needed my blood work done. I explained to the lady on the phone that I was delaying coming in and she shared a new concept with me. I could travel to a location in a parking lot and do a drive-by blood draw.
Yep, that’s what I thought! What is this world coming to? I’ve driven by to get food, and to put a check in the bank, but they are going to take my blood in a drive-thru?
So, when I pull up does the person waiting for me have on a name tag and a little hat? Does he say, “Hi! My name is Joe, what can I do for you today?”
When I tell him I need blood drawn for my thyroid does he suggest an additional test I might like, or if I would like fries with that?
Do I have to wear a mask? Do they warn me to put the car in park? Will they take my blood pressure first?
If I prefer they draw out of my right arm and I never have to leave the car am I forced to back into the spot? Do I hang my arm out the window or do I rest it on the door?
Do they ask me if I’m light headed and would I like to lie down for a while? Do I recline my seat and stay where I’m at or do I risk driving far enough to be out of the way?
Is my car clean enough to be opening a hole in my skin or do I need to wipe it down first? Do they wipe it down for me? If they do, will they vacuum for a small extra charge?
I will probably go and have my blood drawn. I hope they don’t have to jab me more than once. I might pass out behind the wheel. Can they ticket me for that?