Viewpoint: Chamber Program Takes on COVID Rage

The Greenhorn Valley Chamber of Commerce, as you probably read in the View last week, is hosting a mixer on Thursday, 6:00 p.m., the Round Table Restaurant at Hollydot. After a time to visit, the main presentation will begin at 6:45 p.m. and is titled Taming COVID Rage. It is a free event and I would encourage you to call 676-3000 to make your reservation. COVID requirements will only allow 48 people. 

If you really want to go and are the 49th person that, in itself, could cause a little COVID rage, couldn’t it?

From where I sit, COVID rage might actually be more prevalent than COVID itself. Despite a media blitz of gigantic proportions, only 17% of Coloradoans have gotten the complete vaccination so far. You would think millions are going to the vaccination sites but apparently that isn’t true. I wonder why not?

I was in line at a Colorado City business last week and a woman somewhere in the general vicinity of my age was telling a cashier not much older than my grandchildren how important it was that she get the vaccination. After she left and the young lady was waiting on me, I asked her if she was going to get a vaccination. She seemed pretty resolute that she was not. 

From my viewpoint I wondered why it was so important for a vaccinated person to want a non-vaccinated person to get vaccinated. And, of course, as a non-vaccinated person myself, I reviewed how I felt about it all. It seems to me that each of us has a right to make up our own mind. I mean, whether I get vaccinated or not, I can’t harm someone who is already vaccinated, can I?

We have a lady who is a friend from church. She definitely fit in the “high risk” category. We saw her after she had completed the vaccination process. She was wearing two masks. Her doctor told her that since she was high risk, she should only go to church every other week and wear two masks. H-m-m-m-m. How many would she have had to wear before she got vaccinated?

I’m not sure what kind of rage I have but I think customer service has definitely gotten worse since March of last year. I understand about allowing people to work from home, but it can produce a certain kind of angst when you are conducting business and there are children and pets being rather vocal in the background.

One lady apologized for her grandson screaming while she was trying to help me.

Some places still have their lobbies closed and thus funnel all of their business into a drive-thru. I was in a bank line last week. It looked like they had the normal number of staff inside the bank but didn’t have the lobby open so it really didn’t matter to me, the customer. I needed several things and the person who waited on me, passed me off to another person, who was on the phone etc. You get the picture.

This morning I made a call to cancel a subscription. I went through the prompts several times. None of the prompts told me how to talk to a human being. I finally got ahold of someone in a different department who helped me talk to a person. I waited for the three-question survey I had been promised when I called. It disconnected me.

Just for your information, the Greenhorn Valley View is available pretty much 24 hours a day. If you call (719) 214-3512 or (719) 214-3509 we will either answer the phone or answer your voice mail as soon as possible. I have to admit, though, there may be screaming grandchildren in the background occasionally. Nothing's perfect. 


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