Viewpoint: This is a Bad, Bad Bill
???Colorado Senate Bill 23-189 concludes with the following statement: “Section 13- Safety Clause: The general assembly hereby finds, determines and declares that this act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health or safety.”
??The bill is sponsored by a dozen democrats and, in the guise of increasing access to reproductive health care services, this bill makes it less expensive to destroy unborn children, pits parents against their children by removing parental consent requirements on a host of reproductive issues, forces businesses with 100 employees or more to carry it as a requirement, demands that individual policies and small company group policies carry it except in the case of conflicts with the employer’s sincerely held religious beliefs, and provides furnished contraceptive and HIV prevention drugs for the lifetime of the insured, at absolutely no cost.
??If I am reading the bill correctly, my six-year-old granddaughter could make contact with a “family counseling center”, get free transportation to and from a clinic because she’s not old enough to drive a car, and without the consent of her parents and without any cost of any kind, make the decision to get sterilized!
?Does that sound like the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety?
??Senate Bill 23-189 would require large employers on and after January 1, 2025 to provide coverage for THE TOTAL COST OF ABORTION CARE WITHOUT POLICY DEDUCTIBLES. Large employers are defined as employers with 100 or more employees.
??Small group plans must provide this coverage if the federal department of health and human services confirms the state’s determination that the coverage is subject to the state defrayal pursuant to federal law. As I mentioned, employers are exempt from providing coverage if providing coverage conflicts with the employer’s sincerely held religious beliefs. Remember how often religious beliefs worked as a way to avoid the COVID non-vaccine?
??Insurance companies are prohibited by section 4 of the bill from imposing deductibles, copayment, coinsurance, annual or lifetime maximum benefits for sexually transmitted infection or sterilization services regardless of the covered person’s gender. FREE!
?Of course, your heart medication, cancer medication, blood pressure medicine etc. will still have costs. But if you have a sexually transmitted disease, you can get free coverage. This bill should be called the Encourage Irresponsibility Bill.
??Is sexually transmitted disease so rampant that the description of this bill as the preservation of public peace, health and safety demands immediate action?
??Section 6 of this bill allows minors to have the health care provider furnish contraceptive procedures, supplies, or information without notification or consent of the minor’s parents or legal guardian.
??And just in case you missed it elsewhere, section 10.16.104 says that the provider must provide coverage for the total cost of the preventative health care services.
??Please take some time to let your senators know how you feel about this aberration described as health care. Go to Find My Legislator | Colorado General Assembly point the arrow at the map and it will give you the email of your senator.
??The phone number for the Colorado Senate is 303- 866-2316, and the address is 200 E. Colfax, State Capital, Denver, 80203.
??Another good table is at All Senators | Colorado General Assembly, where you can find a list of every Colorado Senator, their party, and their individual office phone number.
??Below are several other emails for you.
??Senate District 3 E-mail: [email protected] Webpage: Nick Hinrichsen
?House District 47 E-mail: [email protected] Webpage: Ty Winter
?House District 60 E-mail: [email protected] Webpage: Stephanie Luck
?Even if you support the right to kill an unborn child it would seem this bill would appall you because it bypasses parents and guardians for what can be an irreversible decision, it encourages blatant irresponsibility and it penalizes anyone suffering from almost any other disease financially. It is a bill that needs stopped.