A view of the future - Extended Reality in Education

A view of the future - Extended Reality in Education

The category known as extended reality (XR), which is augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR) altogether, is one of the biggest emerging technologies today. These immersive technologies will and are already disrupting certain industries and the way consumers and businesses operate. An industry that is among one of the most disrupted industries is education.?

As an alternate medium of teaching to instruction in lecture halls and small seminars, XR can span distances, enable self-paced and individualized learning, and transport students to environments that are impossible to visit in the physical world. XR used in higher education institutions would offer new ways to attract students, cut costs, compete, and survive. Aside from XR technologies and its versatility as a virtual, remote learning tool, XR can provide students with multisensory experiences that are impossible in the real world. There are many great learning opportunities for students in many different fields if institutions incorporate XR technologies in education.?

Using XR, medical students can see the inside of a human heart and better understand how parts of the heart works with mixed reality, an impossibility otherwise. In fields such as geology, oceanography, and astrophysics, students can use XR to explore inside a volcano, travel miles down into the ocean, or travel lightyears away to explore a black hole in a distant galaxy.

Educators know that students learn better when more of their senses are stimulated and it is more hands-on and interactive. With that goal in mind, more and more institutions are looking into using extended reality in education. Educators can also change the curricula with XR to offer an alternative to more traditional teaching modes. With XR in higher education, students would be able to work at their own pace and to repeat lessons and exercises as often as needed.

It's a challenging, exciting, and opportune time for extended reality to be used in higher education and may become vital to their futures and their students' futures. OneOrigin’s futuristic technology brings a thrilling new learning opportunity for colleges and universities. OneXperience, by OneOrigin, is the only platform existing with the sole purpose of making an impact on the education sector using Immersive Technology. OneOrigin uses cutting-edge technologies such as AR, VR, and MR to debug the myth of traditional learning methods by using an interactive approach, enhancing student engagement leading to heightened retention.?

With OneX, educators can simplify complex disciplines such as aerospace engineering, anatomy, molecular chemistry, architectural design, and more by enabling students to better understand core concepts through spatial visualization.



