This post is different from a quick summary of the impressions I gathered reading a specific book. In this case, I share some key points (at least, my interpretation) of a great (hispanic) thinker (in my view): Javier G. Recuenco.
For those fluent in Spanish, you can watch the ¨full lecture¨ here. An interview by Fernando Alonso.
First, a big thank you note to both of them for "this great lecture".
These are some points I would like to share:
- Making "innovation theater" is not making innovation at all.
- An insight from Jobs: better to cannibalize yourself than to be cannibalized by a competitor.
- Jobs belonged to a selected and small group of people that went through a failure, a big one, processed it and got transformed about of it. Rummelt on Jobs' Apple turnaround.
- Businesses can be managed by talent or by bean counters. Identify this as soon as possible.
- Bean counters are highly effective in bean counting but not in identifying a Zeitgeist change.
- If a firm needs to go through change, only an independent voice will be able to diagnose the real problem and a possible change of path.
- Be aware of ¨agent conflicts¨ within a company that requires change. Sometimes the CEO incentives differ from the company's.
- A new term: "bubbleism" (pompismo in Spanish)... when the reality of a decision maker is far away from the reality.
- A good narrative takes you anywhere you can imagine. A bad narrative can take you (and all the community) to hell.
- Human beings progress (or not) thanks to narratives (not to data).
- Three key skills: technology, investing and communication/selling.
- Highly specialised profiles require now to transform from I profiles (deep into one topic) to T profiles (broad knowledge on different topics) with an inclination on exploring boundaries between fields of knowledge.
- Precisely this understanding of changes and application of creative means to go through the new times is what still distinguishes a human from an AI.
Again, I can only say thanks to both, interviewer and interviewee.