A view of 4SIGHT's 2022 integrated report
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A view of 4SIGHT's 2022 integrated report

This article delves into 4SIGHT's 2022 integrated report, offering a unique perspective by focusing on the language used within the document. By analyzing keywords, term distribution, and dominant words, we gain insights into the company's priorities, themes, and shifts in focus. Using the Wolfram Language in Mathematica, we dig into the intergrated report which is also available here 4SIGHT.

4Sight Holdings Ltd is a multifaceted technology company listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) since 2017. It focuses on advanced digital technology, employing skilled staff and data-driven methods. The company designs, develops, and improves innovative solutions for various clients, aiming to help them adapt to the fast-changing digital world. 4Sight Holdings represents a model of a complex system, adapting and evolving in the technology sector.

Keywords distribution

Top 50 keywords

The distribution of words across the integrated reports provide high level view of priority themes in the report and over time can indicate a shift in themes and company's concerns. Using the Wolfram Language for this task involves a few steps. To identify the most frequently occurring words, a WordCounts function is employed. The resulting list is then organized in descending order using ReverseSort. To focus on the most prevalent words, the top 50 words are extracted using the TakeLargest function. Finally, the selected words are displayed in an easy-to-read format using the Multicolumn function, which arranges them in a visually appealing multi-column layout.

Figure 1: Top 50 words across full report

The non-financials parts of the integrated report yield a different distribution of keywords and Figure 2 below shows the new top 50 words.

Figure 2: Top 50 words excluding financial statements

Community Graph Plot

A Community Graph Plot creates a visual representation of the text's network structure, illustrating how different points (vertices) are grouped into clusters or communities. The community graph of the keywords shows three main themes centred around governance, company structure and operations of the business. The community graph excluded these words: financial, report, ltd, 4sight, group, 2022, integrated, holdings. The community graph in Figure 3 and 4 below shows the top 15 words with the exclusions above.

Figure 3: Community grah of top 15 words excluding selected words

The community graph of integrated report excluding the financial statements section shows two communities in the top 15 words, governance and business operations.

Figure 4: Community grah of top 15 words excluding financial statements and selected words

Keyword distribution throughout the text

The Keyword plot function generates a plot of the keyword's density within the given text. Some of the term distributions highlight which sections of the report mentions specific words and provides a bird's eyeview about the report structure. Figure 5, 6 and 7 show the density distribution of the key words amongst the three communities of keywords.

Figure 5: a density distribution of the words "business, solutions, customer and value"

Figure 6: a density distribution of the words " directors, risk and board"

Figure 7: a density distribution of the words "company, shares and ordinary"

Organisational language wordclouds

A word cloud provides a quick, visual summary of the integrated report's content. By focusing on different parts of speech, it can highlight the most prominent themes (nouns), actions (verbs), qualities (adjectives), and manners of action (adverbs) in the report. TextCases function is used to perform several natural language processing tasks, in this case used for part-of-speech tagging. The Wolfram Language has built in part of speech identification such as Words, Line, Whitespace, Nouns, etc.

Nouns often represent key focus areas or subjects of interest in the report. By analyzing the most frequent nouns, stakeholders can quickly identify the main topics. The prevalence of certain adverbs can provide insight into the company’s approach or tone. Verbs can indicate what actions the company is taking, while adjectives can shed light on the qualities or characteristics the company emphasizes, such as "digital," "financial," or "strategic".

Figure 8 to 15 outlines verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs used in the text.

Verbs used

In an integrated report, verbs serve as dynamic descriptors of the organization's activities. They articulate the strategies executed, objectives attained, and initiatives pursued. Utilizing vibrant and active verbs can adeptly express the organization's advancement and its journey towards fulfilling its goals.

Figure 8: Verbs used in the full report
Figure 9: verbs used in the report excluding financial statements


Nouns play a crucial role in an integrated report by serving as the foundational elements that anchor and clarify the information being presented. Nouns help in identifying and naming the core components of the report, such as stakeholders, resources, processes, and outcomes. This aids in creating a clear structure and framework for the report.

Figure 10: Nouns used in the report

Figure 11: Nouns used in the report exclduing financial statements


Adjectives play a significant role in enhancing the effectiveness of an integrated report. Adjectives provide additional details and qualities to nouns, making descriptions in the report more vivid and informative.

Figure 12: Adjectives used in the report

Figure 13: Adjectives used in the report excluding financial statements.


Adverbs in an integrated report serve as key modifiers that enhance the meaning of verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, adding depth and clarity to the information presented. Adverbs can add important contextual details to actions and qualities described in the report.

Figure 14: Adverbs used in the report
Figure 15: Adverbs used in the report excluding financial statements


The comprehensive examination of 4Sight Holdings Ltd's 2022 integrated report, through a linguistic lens, offers profound insights into the company's strategic focus and operational ethos. By methodically breaking down the report into its core linguistic elements - encompassing keywords, terms, and word distributions - and utilizing additional analytical methodologies, we have successfully uncovered the fundamental themes and driving forces behind the report. This article not only demonstrates the intricate analysis achievable through natural language processing tools in Wolfram Language but also highlights their practical application in deciphering complex corporate communications. Through this endeavor, we gain a clearer, more nuanced understanding of 4Sight Holdings Ltd's business narrative and strategic direction.


Nduvho Kutama (MPhil Corporate Strategy, ACMA, CGMA)的更多文章

