Viettel taps Qualcomm for O-RAN | Huawei continues 5G-A play | RCR Wireless News APAC Update
Welcome to RCR Wireless News' bi-weekly APAC update. In this edition, explore news from Vietnam, India, China and more.
Viettel uses Qualcomm 5G platforms to launch O-RAN network
The telco claimed that this is the first O-RAN 5G network utilizing Qualcomm Technologies’ 5G RAN platforms, and said it plans to deploy more than 300 sites across various Vietnamese provinces by the first quarter of 2025.
BAI Communications granted spectrum by ACMA (Sponsored)
BAI has announced its successful application to the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) for the provision of licenced spectrum for the 3.8 GHz band, complementing the company’s existing holding of mmWave spectrum.
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Huawei continues 5G-A play
As the world contemplates what's next for 5G, Huawei continues its 5G-Advanced push with a 5G-A network in Beijing and a new trial in Africa with South African carrier MTN.
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