Vietnam Pepper Export to Cross $1 Billion Mark in 2024

Vietnam Pepper Export to Cross $1 Billion Mark in 2024

The taste and flavours of cuisines are rapidly increasing in this globalised world. Whether it’s a pinch of cumin in a curry or a dash of cinnamon in a dessert, spices enhance the taste of dishes and turn simple ingredients into culinary masterpieces. Among spices, pepper emerges as the key ingredient for enhancing the taste of any dish.? Let’s understand the market value of this pepper industry exported by Vietnam.

How Much Pepper Does Vietnam Export to The World –

The demand for pepper is significantly rising and experiencing a remarkable shift. It also prepares the plinth for the expansion of exports and imports business.

To dive into the billion-dollar pepper market, Vietnam emerges as the leading supplier by enhancing its manufacturing capacity. Here’s the export value for Vietnam Pepper.

From Q1 of 2023 to Q2 of 2024, Vietnam pepper exports to all top trading partners saw significant growth. This growth is mainly driven by the US, Germany, South Korea, and Thailand which increased by 33%, 138.9%, 36.6%, 15.2%, and 21.9% respectively in Q2 of 2024, compared to Q1 of 2024.

The highest-ever growth of Vietnam pepper is observed in Germany, UK, and the US. This rising trend indicates the strong demand for pepper and establishes a market for exporters and importers.

Asia: The Lucrative Market for Vietnam Pepper Export

Due to geo-political and continental advantages, Asia is becoming the top market for Vietnam’s pepper exports after the Western Countries. Vietnam’s strategic location and reputation for producing high-quality pepper at a competitive price, make it an attractive supplier in the region. Further, this presents significant opportunities for business in the pepper industry.

?Let’s take a quick view of Vietnam pepper export in terms of quantities –

In Q2 of 2024, the US imported more than 19 thousand tonnes of pepper from Vietnam, which increased by 4,728 tonnes, compared to the previous quarter. On the other hand, exports to chains, South Korea, Türkiye, and Thailand, also increased by 1,324, 30, 1,008, and 178 tonnes respectively, in Q2 of 2024, compared to Q1 of 2024. This increase in quantities shows expanding opportunities for business in Asia.

What Are the Exports and Imports Opportunities for Pepper Business?

The booming Vietnamese pepper industry presents a golden opportunity for exporters and importers, making it an attractive business to go global.? Let’s understand how exporters and imports can take advantage of and expand their pepper industry in this billion-dollar market.


If you are a pepper exporter and want to expand your business horizons in this dynamic market, you need to align with reputable Vietnamese suppliers to meet the needs of international clients and maintain strong profit margins.


As an importer, you can take advantage of Vietnam’s constructive infrastructure, which facilitates efficient shipping routes to reduce logistics costs. By establishing strong relationships with Vietnamese pepper producers, importers can lock deals at favourable pricing and secure a competitive position in the market.?

The demand for the Vietnamese pepper industry is increasing in this dynamic market and offers tremendous opportunities to exporters and importers. Hence, by identifying a reliable and profitable source of supply while meeting the needs of clients, a business can double its revenue. For more insights you can schedule a live demo at Export Genius


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