Vietnam opens a public consultation for updating its Law on Chemicals

Vietnam opens a public consultation for updating its Law on Chemicals

GPC experts reviewed following documents published by the Vietnamese authority on 12 October 2022 and summarized the latest development on Vietnam Chemical Regulation.??

  • Proposed Detailed Outline of the Law Amending and Supplementing some Articles of the Chemical Law ?
  • Report: Assessing the impact of the policy in the proposal to develop a Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Chemicals ?
  • Summary of implementation Law on Chemicals 2007 ?

Early this year Vietnam was preparing a national chemicals inventory, with plans to require registration for new chemical substance. The nomination to the inventory closed on 14 April 2022 and industries have been waiting for more clear updates on registration requirements and procedures. On 12 October 2022 the Ministry of industry and Trade (MoIT) in Vietnam opened a public consultation for proposing to develop an amendment of the Law on Chemicals. The introduction of the Law on Chemicals is an important milestone in the process of building and creating an official and unified legal procedure for chemical activities across the country. More than 15 years after implementation of the Law on Chemicals, it is necessary to amend the law to harmonize with international chemical regulatory regime. ?


The main chemical law in Vietnam is the Law on Chemicals 06/2007/QH12 which was promulgated in 2007. The law provides a general guideline for chemical-related activities.(Read more on the Vietnamese Law on Chemicals At the time when the Law on Chemicals was issued, it was a timely legal support for both government and organizations involved in the chemical industry. The Law on Chemicals served its purposes by managing the chemical activities in order to develop the economy, society, environment and adapt with the climate change context. The chemical industry reached a stable development throughout the years. The average growth of the industry was 16% in the first years and 7-8% in the last years of 2010s. ?

There are also changes in the safety management. It helps raising the awareness amongst the society on the direct and long-term effects of hazardous and toxic chemicals, so that all the measures and prevention plans are seriously considered. By monitoring the use of industrial precursors, hazardous, toxic, and banned chemical substances, the Law on Chemicals prevents the illegal production of dangerous substances to maintain the social safety as well as national defence. ?

Another significant achievement of the Law on Chemicals is the establishment of the Vietnam Chemical Agency. The Vietnam Chemical Agency was established on 2 January 2009. The agency primarily gives advice to the MoIT to perform state management in accordance with the Law on Chemicals, and at the same time to propose and develop mechanisms and policies to promote the development of the chemical industry. By the time, the agency has carefully performed its duties as well as focused on building a legal supplementary system for chemical management.?


During the period of implementation of the Law on Chemicals, the government recognized the need for detailed implementation and guidelines for multiple chemical related activities. The government published many circulars and decrees in order to give comprehensive instructions for both the chemical-related government agencies, and organizations & individuals involved in the industry. To address this issue the first Circular 26 and decree 108 detailed and guideline implementation for chemical law was published in 2008 and 2011, respectively. Later these two were replaced by decree 113 and circular 32 published in 2017. Recently, the government updated the guidelines and implementation for the Law on Chemicals by publishing decree 82 and circular 17 in October 2022. ?

Besides these main decrees and circulars in implementation and guideline the original Law on Chemicals, the government also published many other circulars and decrees regarding other issues in the chemical industry such as safety measurement, environment protection, classification, and labelling. Not to mention that there are other laws that directly or indirectly involve and influence the chemical law: law on investment, law on promulgation of legal documents, law on drug prevention and control, law on weapons, explosive materials and supporting tools management and use, law on environment protection. However, as the society changes, these related regulations have been updated over the years. Therefore, the current law has a gap among the society conditions, the current updates of all related laws, and the existing version of chemical law.?

Focus Areas in future development?

The Vietnamese authorities identified the following issues in its chemical management: the limit in the meaning of the terminology under the current version of the Law on Chemicals; the chemical industry is not a special industry with incentives; the chemical industry and chemical products planning under the law on planning was expired; the regulations at the moment consider chemical safety, environment protection but not the sustainable development orientation; the lack of project management for chemical related projects; the lack of requirement for chemical consulting-related activities. ?

The Ministry of Industry and Trade suggested to update 6 aspects in the current version of the chemical law: ?

  1. More detailed and specific on subjects and scope of application of the Law on Chemicals?
  2. Sustainable development strategies for the chemical industry?
  3. Consistent lifecycle chemical management?
  4. Chemicals management in products?
  5. Efficiency improvement for chemical safety?
  6. Chemical inventory system?? ?

The amendment of the Law on Chemicals is open for public consultation until 11 December 2022.?

After the public consultation round, the Ministry of Industry and Trade will focus on developing a draft for chemical law amendment and consult the draft to the National Assembly at the 8th session of the XV National Assembly (in October 2024) and submit it for the approval to the 9th session of National Assembly (in May 2025). GPC’s experts will continue to summarize the latest updates for you. ?


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