Sinclair & Rush UK
Manufacturing & Supplying Plastic, Rubber & Foam Parts Since 1950
In a recent Social media poll, we asked you "When watching a Business video, what type of content keeps you interested the most?" With the multiple choice answers of, "All about Products / Services", "Humour" & "One that tells a story". Your responses has intrigued us! So read on to find out more!
We did this poll because Video Marketing for Business is the "in thing" currently, and we are all doing it, or looking at doing it. Its important to tell our Business story or sell our products in a more visual & interactive way, which let face it, is now the way of the world! With Instagram, Snapchat, Tiktok, Youtube, & many more Social channels focusing specifically on quick snappy engaging videos, we will fall behind in the digital world if we aren't doing it too, and the right way!
At Sinclair & Rush, we incorporate videos into our working week regularly, in many creative ways, but we are still learning and want to keep improving our techniques. Our aim of this poll & what we really wanted to know was, what do you, as the receivers of the clips, enjoy watching? Things change so fast, we are constantly trying to keep up with the rat race, so this has helped us with what content you love, to steer our video marketing in this direction. Hopefully it has helped you guys too for when you are creating yours!
Here are the results:
45% One that tells a story
40% All About Products / Services
15% Humour
Interestingly, the importance of "telling a story", appears greater than "All about Products / Services". The human race do love a good story! This theory is backed up by Donald Millers book "Building a story brand". This book focusses on the importance of story telling when selling your product. This is what captures the audience, and ensures they are listening and not getting bored & flicking to the next more engaging clip! All great iconic films that we all love follow a structure and this structure can be applied to our video marketing according to Donald! To check the book out just copy this link into a browser:?
In addition though, we are glad to see that 40% of you do like videos on products / services. We think its about making these descriptions as interesting and easy to understand as possible, especially in a video. No one cares about the technicals /mechanics of your products as such. They just want to know what you do, why you do it & what benefit it is to them, the consumers! It can be really easy to waffle, so keeping the point of what you do clear and the message concise is so important.
Humour, was the least popular, but still 15% said its important, which counts for something! We believe humour can break your video content up, in-between the serious stuff, if some parts are a little more light hearted it just softens the whole thing and changes the dynamic of the clip. Plus it also helps to show the audience that you are human and know how to have some fun!
In conclusion, we have taken from this that its a mixture of content that needs to be displayed in Business videos to keep an audience engaged. And telling that story is absolutely vital to any great video! We would love to hear from you... What have you taken from this poll? Do you create video content for your Business and if so, what have been your most successful clips?
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