Videogames can be a force for good
If you only watch one show this month. If you have #Netflix please watch this.
It tells the story of Mats Steen a Norwegian with a serious condition who finds a way to escape and experience life in a way no one expected
Not only that, his interactions with other players showcase his own amazing humanity and empathy for others.
I don't want to say too much because I'd love more people to experience the story first hand but as a voice actor who has a close relationship with videogames, Players, Fans, Developers, Casters and so on, this story inspired me, impacted me very strongly at my core, and has given me a renewed motivation to leave nothing behind when creating for others.
If ever there was a story that shows that #videogames can be a force for good, then this is it. Let me know what you think and how many boxes of tissues you went through. I found this through the #bbc - Thanks for writing the article Emma Jones at #bbc