What stuns me is that when the opposition people in Uganda were being arrested and vanishing and bodies were washing up on the beaches of Lake Victoria at Xmas 2015, hardly anyone made a sound. Except of course the notorious Rwomushana.
Most of you will remember that in 2013, Gen. David Sejusa had authored a letter that landed in media saying that many top Generals were going to be killed.
At the time when Sejusa authored the letter, he held back a lot of information for far too many others were going to die. Ministers, MPs and top business leaders and respected elders in Uganda.
People thought that Sejusa's letter was a joke and I wish he could have said a lot more but he gave us the hint of the iceberg.
Gen. Aronda Nyakairima laughed at it and called it a joke by a disgruntled man. RIP uncle. Sometimes truth does save your life.
I now look at the gunned down 13 clerics with no explanation or report from our IGP (Kale Kale Kale... Kayihura).
Then we have the missing report on the chief prosecutor Kagezi.
But we are not even done yet.
The security forces arrested many police officers sijui over Uganda's president Dr. Kizza #Besigye.
This week alone, we now here that UPDF officers have been arrested over batugamba nti ammunition stolen from Gulu, Bombo and Kabamba.
What you must understand is that Museveni and #Kayihura are fighting a losing battle for now they are turning against their own. You just watch this movie play out.
After arresting, torturing, maiming and killing opposition, they now turn on their own.
Who is safe in Uganda anymore?
Nathan Span wrote something very powerful this week. He said "they are kiling our brothers and sisters in the security forces and so who is next? Can you trust your government?". I paraphrase but all of Span's work can be found on my blog and he never bluffs.
As much as you might feel safe in the teeth of the leopard, you must also consider that if the top people can be taken out, you are just a minor collateral damage.
Over the last 3yrs, I have never asked any Ugandan to get up and fight dictator Museveni. Today, I join many and most especially the 6 gentlemen who have guided my path back to Uganda to ask all our brothers and sisters in the Police force (UPF) and the army (UPF) to stop the brutality on our people and think how safe you are. Because you are not safe at all. Those guns were not given to you to shoot and kill, but rather to protect us. Use them for good.
Martha Leah Nangalama
Moncton, Uganda
PS: We need an account of all the missing people, their locations, their deaths, their burials and autopsy reports and starting with Dr. Kayiira, Gen. Mayombo, etc..
If you are a Museveni and Kayihura supporter and you do not care above the above dead gentlemen, then how can we ask about Gen. Aronda and the others?