[Video] How To Get REAL Facebook Like's In The U.S. Dirt Cheap

[Video] How To Get REAL Facebook Like's In The U.S. Dirt Cheap

Video Transcript:

How’s it going Paul Corral here in this video I’m gonna be showing you how to get dirt cheap likes from real people in high competition english-speaking markets without spending a ton of money and without doing anything shady!

Alright! So this is a great little case study I wanted to share with you because a lot of people say, ” well you know I want to build my social profiles that way when I post new content more and more, people

see it right.”

Now we tend to think of Facebook in the terms of their ad platform these days because it’s so powerful but the whole point of being on social media, of course, is being able to build those profiles, not just immediate leads.

Building those profiles so that whenever you post new content more and more people see that content for free via you know organic reach right so if you’re going to have a complete social media marketing strategy building the actual profile itself has to be part of it.

But there’s a problem when it comes to getting more likes and follows on your Facebook page there’s

kind of two ways to go about it.

Run a like campaign the way that Facebook traditionally has you do it, which is to target your local market or country and use the cover photo of your page and throw some money at it.

If you’ve ever tried that you know it’s cost prohibitive. When I’ve done this in the past you know I advertise mainly to business minded people business to business so it’s a little bit of a higher and more expensive market you know you’re gonna pay three to five dollars for a Facebook like which we all

know is definitely cost prohibitive.

You could get Facebook lead through a funnel and on an actual email list for that much so why bother.

Then there’s the other route that people go which is the shady route you know basically buying fake likes from you know third party providers overseas which is fine if you’re just looking to boost your numbers for a bit of social proof but of course these people are never going to become clients and it’s against Terms of Service so you’re risking getting your whole Facebook page and ad manager shut down!

So what I did is I set out to work with the Facebook algorithm in order to be able to use their ad platform to get me likes, real likes right here in the US for a fraction of the cost and you know what we succeeded!

It’s really cool I think you’re gonna find this hugely valuable so let’s jump over the computer and I’ll show you just how we did it!

All right so we’re here in my computer where I’m gonna show you exactly how we were able to get super

cheap real likes here in the US okay so here’s what we do…

You can see here we got about six thousand Facebook likes right here and we got one cent likes!

Now this is gonna change a little bit right and let me explain what’s going on, we start with a

worldwide audience right and you can see we changed the targeting to the u.s. on 3-27 and I’ll tell

you why we do that.

We want to give the algorithm as much data on our ideal target market as possible that’s how

Facebook can then go out and target only the people that we really want and save us a ton of money by not showing as your ad to people who don’t want what we have okay, very simple.

The way we do that is we kick it off with a worldwide audience where the advertising competition isn’t as

stiff we get in front of a lot more people and we get a lot more likes right out of the gate giving the algorithm the data it needs to really tighten up that targeting.

Now this does have the added benefit of getting a ton of likes for literally a penny sometimes less which

builds social proof on your page you know it always looks good when you have a couple thousand likes as opposed to just a couple hundred but of course, you know it’s very low probability that these people from international markets are gonna be your target audience right but that’s not the point here this is just

giving the algorithm the data needs to tighten up that targeting.

Now what I’m doing here targeting wise is not only targeting the entire world but I am targeting people in my target demographic right, people who are interested in entrepreneurship, digital marketing, self-development, management, sales training things like that.

So we’re talking about a pretty high-end market here, b2b market a market that’s marketed to relentlessly so usually it’s pretty expensive but let me show you what we did here.

We switch it over to the US only market on 3-27 we’re gonna go 3-28 because on 3-27 we still got some international likes on there right so let me click this real quick we’ll go 3-28 right we’ll say like just these 3 days right here, update that and you see cool so once we switched it to the U.S. right we got 66 Facebook likes here for about 51 cents apiece pretty freakin awesome!

If you’ve ever done a Facebook likes campaign before you know that’s extremely cheap like I said in b2b

niches marketing sales niches you’re usually looking at three to five dollars per like, ouch!

Needless to say that is cost prohibitive my friends but 51 cents not too bad and if you’re in a less

competitive niche that’s not kind of b2b or business oriented you’re probably looking at likes down between 20, 25, 35, cents the most they’ll be incredible for you so that’s pretty cool.

All we did plug in our target demo and the appropriate interests started with a worldwide audience you know threw 20 bucks at it, racked up a few thousand likes then switched the same ad group, not a different ad group but the same ad group over to U.S. targeting and voila.

It’s all aboveboard it’s not against Terms of Service you’re just giving the algorithm what it needs to give you what you need, pretty cool stuff !

Alright so there you have it that’s our little Facebook Likes experiment that’s how you

get real likes from real people who can become real customers in the United States or any other

competitive market you might be in.

If you found that useful and I hope you did I think you’re really gonna love what I have for you next!

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I’m trying this crap out all the time and

not just on Facebook so if you’re wondering what new cockamamie scheme I’m working on and how it works out and how you might be able to apply it to your business to help you grow faster!

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I’ll shoot you an email whenever I post new videos giving you new case studies and marketing experiments to help you grow your business thanks for watching, see you next time.


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