This Video has generated over $2M for my clients in less than 90 days
Dr. Len Schwartz
Since 1999, I've used the RTC Process to help 1000s of clients secure 10-20 long-term Referral Relationships with their ideal Referral Partners - so they acquire 2X - 4X more QUALIFIED referrals/new clients EVERY month.
Hey, it’s Dr. Len…
After 20+ years of teaching marketing systems, I have never taught anything that has had more of an immediate impact (on my client's sales) than my Lead Follow-Up and Conversion process.
While most tend to chase prospects (sometimes for months)...
The professionals in my program have learned how to literally "reverse the chase", and get prospects to chase them, because of the immediate value and expert positioning they share…
...and an "irresistible offer" that creates real gut-wrenching urgency, and that accelerates the lead-to-new client process (within 30 days or less).
Here is the 1st part of the process:
1. Communicate how/why you are uniquely qualified to help your prospects
2. Explain why your prospects cannot find anyone else that can help them like YOU can.
3. Describe why your prospects cannot find anyone else that offers the same services/solutions as you.
4. And, use an irresistible offer (that they'll never hear from anyone else) so your prospects naturally ask you, "How do we get started now?".
Have you watched the video training?
If you haven’t watched it and would like to learn this process and how to shift the balance of power from your prospects back to YOU, (so you never have to chase another prospect again)...
COMMENT below or PM me and I’ll send you the link.
-Dr. Len
P.S. When you become well-known for being the go-to recognized expert in your area, and people understand that they cannot find anyone else that can help them like you, you create what is called a Mini Monopoly.
P.P.S This is a Financial Advisor below.