The ?? Video First Conference Insights.
Our mission at StoryMe is to help companies win with Video.
With the Video First Conference we want to share the Video First way of thinking with international video experts around the world. As the first video strategy conference in Europe, it was an inspirational and fun event for our attendees where ach speaker brought their own expertise to the stage, talking about video strategy through their eyes. Here are my nine main takeaways from VFC 2017!
1. Having video content isn’t enough, you need good video content.
Both Phil Nottingham and Robin Panish from Wistia made it clear that it’s not the distribution budgets that make the difference, it’s the content. Budget can’t solve bad content. Your audience doesn’t owe you anything, so you can’t expect them to sit through a video with no clear purpose and questionable content. Earn your audience’s attention by creating specific content that piques their interest, solves their problem etc.
2. Push your video on Youtube or Facebook?
The speakers talked about the importance of having a strategy, even if it’s just for the one video. A quickstart to strategy is asking yourself if the content works in a video format. If so, on what platform?
Example: posting a video on Facebook means it will need captions since it will probably be watched without sound. Posting a video on YouTube means you’ll need sound. Longer videos don’t perform as well on Facebook, and lectures, interviews, talks, and music videos do better on YouTube.
3. Ditch the Bazooka approach. Target the right audience, instead.
Have a persona in mind when creating content and work to appeal to them because as Brendon says, ‘good content can only be good if it’s focused’. Niels let us know that YouTube is creating specific platforms for specific audiences, for example YouTube Kids. No, you don’t have to create a whole platform, just take the time to learn where your target audience is most active.
4. At least 75% of video viewing will be on mobile by 2020
‘Nomophobia: the fear of being without your mobile phone.’
What started of as a mobile revolution, quickly turned into a mobile-first breakout. Niels tells us we’re so dependent on our phones that it has altered our behavior and completely changed the way we consume content. Companies should take notice and evolve with these trends by thinking vertical and optimizing content for mobile. The ones who continue to learn and adapt are the ones that will thrive. Period.
5. Attention Span
We talked about Generation Z that had an attention span of 8seconds, today it's even lowered to 2.8 seconds, according to Niels Chabot of Facebook. He talked about attention as our scarcest resource. The takeaway here? Compelling visuals are crucial - make your case right from the start. Communication nowadays needs to be immediate, expressive and immersive or else you’ll lose your viewers. (check video 1'11sec)
6. Don’t wait for big video budget to start, jump in now!
No budget? No excuse! Don’t wait on tinsel town production standards and just start smaller with lower quality videos. Chris Savage tells us all the tools and platforms are out there to start using video on your When you get the hang of video and correct budgets, you can always spend more based on the number of people who are likely to see the video.
7. Video for remote Company Culture!
‘Don’t miss out on good people because of their location.’ - Leah Knobler
When it comes to remote company culture, video makes working possible and it doesn’t automatically translate to NO company culture. Leah Knobler from Help Scout, active in 12 different countries explains that her ‘long distance work relationships’ are much more personal because of video. StoryMe for example livestreams the Monday Morning meetings in Ghent to the international offices in London and Sofia. Same for team shout-outs and fuckups of the month. All video first mentality. This way you include everyone.
8. Have your audience help you create videos with User Generated Content (UGC).
Harriet Beaumont from Seenit shed light on User Generated Content. Engagement is a two-way street, so ask your users to become engaged with your brand by becoming brand ambassadors by creating videos for you. This will then empower them, give them a platform and show your appreciation for their brand positivity. The biggest pro to using UGC? It helps humanize your companies and offers multiple perspectives in a sea of predictable company (video) content.
9. Connectivity will increase creative storytelling possibilities (VR, AR, 360).
Constantly evolving technology is making it possible for us to tell our stories in a very different way. VR and AR blur the lines of reality, making it possible for businesses to fully immerse their audience in what they’re saying. Future trends are not solely about the tech (which is pretty cool), but more about us finding a way to let our viewers be a bigger part of the story.
360° video has obvious implications for online shopping. But, it can be used in any way marketers can apply it to their brand, like this 360 video for the Honda Civic. It’s hard to click away from a video that you are a part of, especially this one.
10. My Rockstar Team!
"Video First Conference was an amazing day of learning, networking, and making video strategy history. I’m proud of my team for making what was once just a cool idea a reality right here in Ghent. Can’t wait for next year to see what the next VFC brings together with all the new video strategy trends. See you next year!"
Product Owner at Cipal Schaubroeck
7 年At least 75% of video viewing will be on mobile by 2020 How will this effect the way of filming you think? (vertical vs horizontal). Will video have to find a way to become "responsive"?