Video Call Etiquette 101 For WFH Employees

Video Call Etiquette 101 For WFH Employees

Working from home means having to attend numerous video calls with your fellow workers as well as your clients. Now that we cannot host physical meetings in this post-pandemic and remote working setting, it is crucial to know how to conduct yourself during a working video conferencing call.?

There is always a certain set of do’s and dont’s to keep in mind when you’re on a video call, so you don't find yourself committing a major faux pas at the next big meeting. And, ever since working remotely has become an increasingly dominant workforce trend, understanding video conference protocols are more important than ever.

So here are the top video conference etiquette tips you need to know while you continue to work remotely.

?Be Punctual

Similar to attending an office meeting on time, being punctual with your video calls is of the utmost importance. Apart from making a good impression by being on time, when you\'re on time for a meeting, it\'ll make getting set up with technology easier and less painless so the meeting can start on time.

?Go On Mute When You Don’t Speak

Your background or ambiance noise may be very disturbing for those on the call, especially when you’re not speaking and someone else is. These sounds can easily distract other video-conferencing participants and potentially even cause annoyance. So, make it a practice to mute yourself whenever you\'re not talking.

?Do A Tech Check

Before you go on a call, make sure all your technological elements are in place. Check your internet connection and switch to another network if you’re facing the slightest issues with the current one. Next, check whether your audio and video are working properly by running your microphone and camera as a test.?

?Be Presentable

Wear formal, or at least presentable clothing before you get on a call, and be sure not to look untidy and disheveled. Consider wearing professional attire especially when it\'s a client call, and make sure your hair is in place without being shabby. Go ahead and also make sure that your surroundings look presentable and not too messy.?

?Check Your Lighting

Make sure you are visible clearly on the camera, with adequate light and brightness. Poor lighting conditions have an enormous effect on the video quality that you send. You\'ll want to make sure that there is enough light in the room you\'re in so that your video isn't grainy and unwatchable.?

?Stay Attentive

Lastly, make sure you’re attentive throughout the call, irrespective of who is speaking and what they’re saying. Never zone out of the video conversation and keep your eyes on the camera at all times.

With these tips, go ahead and ace all your video conferences at a remote working job you love! For the best career opportunities, go ahead and check out our careers page!


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