A video blog on latch based clock gating and integrated clock gate cell
kunal ghosh (vlsisystemdesign.com)
Co-Founder at VLSI System Design, nurturing students in semiconductors
There’s nothing much to be written about in this blog as this is a video blog. Look at below video which is a sample of my complete course on STA-2.
Someone had said, “A picture is worth a thousand words”, I modified this a bit, as “Actions speak louder than words”
My below video is my action towards getting more closer and reachable to you.
In case you are looking for the entire STA-2 course, here’s the link, which is valid for next 24hours:
Even more, the same coupon code ‘15DOLLAR_COUPON’ is valid for all my courses present under below link for next 24 hours
Enjoy the courses and I hope you love the video in same way we loved making them…happy learning !!