Video Ad Spend And Trends Revealed Ahead Of IAB NewFronts 2024
Discover the latest video ad spend trends revealed in the IAB's 2024 Digital Video Ad Spend & Strategy Report ahead of the NewFronts.
The IAB releases its “2024 Digital Video Ad Spend & Strategy Report” ahead of this year’s NewFronts, which kicks off on Monday, April 29.
Covering Connected TV (CTV), social video, and online video (OLV), the report says overall spending on digital video advertising in the U.S. is projected to grow 16% in 2024 – nearly 80% faster than ad spending on total media.
In the U.S., digital video ad revenues are expected to reach $63 billion in 2024, according to the IAB.
That’s virtually guaranteed to give brand marketers and media buyers an extra excuse to get out of their offices and take a first look at the latest cutting-edge digital video content and marketplace innovation that will be unveiled at IAB NewFronts.
The entire event spans four days and three dozen events at different locations in New York City.
I expect in part why the IAB releases its report on the Thursday before the 2024 IAB NewFronts next week. It’s a strategy I’ve used to get more interest in upcoming events.
However, I also suspect that many early adopters of digital video advertising have already registered for or requested a pass to some of the networking events, meals, content previews, and sponsor activations.
So, anyone trying to squeeze into “the room where it happens” at the last minute may find it harder to score an in-person attendance invitation.
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