The wisdom of the father
Behold victorious Israel, slavish chains are broken, Pharaoh and his army (actual sins) drowned in the sea, the howling wilderness past, the flooded Jordan (inbred sin) crossed, thirty-one giant kings shaken from their thrones; resting in their delightful happy homes, feasting on the milk and honey and the corn and wine.?The conquest of the world was reserved for the culminating achievements of David and Solomon.
The truth is, Christ has already conquered the devil and all sin. He has complete VICTORY for all His people. "How shall we get it?" We have nothing to do but to take it by faith. Of course you can't believe unless you are on believing ground. "What is believing ground?"
Perfect surrender for a sinner to receive the pardoning mercy of God, and perfect consecration for a Christian to be sanctified wholly. Oh soul, do enter into VICTORY now! An omnipotent Savior wants to carry you and all your burdens. The Kings chariot now halts by your side and invites you to get in and ride with Him along the Kings highway of holiness. Oh! how we dishonor your omnipotent, victorious King by all this fretting and murmuring. [by your little faith]
(from "Victory" by W.B. Godbey)