The Victory Of Success

The Victory Of Success

The more difficult the victory, the greater happiness in winning.

The victory is reserved for those who are willing to pay the price.

The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of work.

The victory is always possible for people who believe in themselves and refuse to stop fighting.

The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of setting goals and achieving them. Even the most tedious chore will become endurable as you parade through each day convinced that every task, no matter how menial or boring, brings you closer to achieving your dreams.” ― Og Mandino

What is the victory? This question often appears in our minds when we read success stories about high achievers or great people on media. Sometimes, we ponder how difficult is it to achieve the highest position and to turn the dreams in reality? But in fact, if we want to know about the reality of those stories, we would find that there is always a dream and a focused approach of attaining something higher or unreachable – to make impossible possible.

The first step to the victory is creating a goal. You will set a goal that you believe in. You will stop complaining about your life and start changing it. You will keep your drive and commitment and follow through to the end. And then you will achieve your goal.

When we set a goal, it is important to realize that most of the time we are in “journey mode”. This means we will be focused on the process and actions we need to take to get where we want to go. If our goal is to climb Mount Everest, and we are only thinking about being on the top, we “jam” our Creative Mechanism at the present, as we have to take care of each step along the way. Focus on the journey most of time – and occasionally, once or twice a day tune into your goal by visualizing it. Then get back to the journey mode and simply turn your goal over to your subconscious or Creative Mechanism, to guide you there without effort. Always program the goal first, and then get busy on the process – and if you don’t know the process yet, give yourself space to allow the process of “how” to come to you. The “how” will come to you when you are relaxed not when you are tensed and trying to force your way through process.

Five rules to free your Creative Mechanism:

  1. Do your worrying before you start for your goal, not after the wheel starts turning. If there are a number of roads toward your goal, anxiety is creative as you decide which road to take, but once you selected your road, you stick to it without worry.
  2. Form the habit of consciously responding to the present moment. Our creative mechanism can only respond successfully and appropriately in the “now” if we pay attention to what is happening now. It can’t react successfully to what may happen, but to what is happening.
  3. Try to do one thing at the time. Think of hourglass. One grain of frustration after another during your day, or one grain of confidence after another? You make the decision. The truth is: We can do only one thing at the time. Realizing this, and convincing ourselves of this simple and obvious truth enables us to concentrate all our awareness and responsiveness on only this one thing we are doing now. When we work with this attitude, we are relaxed, free from hurry and anxiety, and we are able to concentrate and think at our best.
  4. Sleep on a problem when it defies solution, not with it. If you have been wrestling with a problem all day without making any apparent progress, try dismissing it from your mind, and put off making a decision until you had a chance to sleep on it. The creative mechanism works best when there is not too much interference from our conscious “I” in the sleep.
  5. Try to be relaxed while you work. Confidence means relaxation, frustration means tension. Practice becoming more consciously aware of what is happening now, as this has a magical result in relieving the “jitters”. Next time when you feel yourself tensing up, and becoming nervous, pull yourself up short and say: “What is there here and now that I should respond to? That I can do something about?” A great deal of nervousness is caused from unwittingly trying to do something that cannot be done here and now.

If you want to be victorious in life; if you want to win in life, you must keep moving. You keep moving in the streams of things, doing the best you can. And if you have no goal, you still keep moving anyway; and a goal will catch up with you. “Never have a fear of defeat and always have the courage to turn the impossible into possible and to never lose your heart at any stage!”

During a creative day, your sense of direction is forward. And if you fail today after doing your best, then you take aim on your goals tomorrow, until you win. You must always have a focused struggle with consistent hard work and definite aim, and as a result; one day you will achieve your goal for which you have been dreaming for years. And this would be the VICTORY.


