Victory in Jesus
Then God our Savior showed us his kindness and love. He saved us, not because of good things we did, because of his mercy. He washed away our sins and gave us a new life through the Holy Spirit. He generously poured out the Spirit upon us because of what Jesus Christ did. Titus 3:4-6 NLT
Without My love, hopelessness would depress you. ????
Dante was correct in placing a sign over hell’s entrance—
“Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.” ????
Without Jesus, eternity is an inferno—with Jesus, it is a paradise. ????
Deep heart treasures belong to all who trust and obey Him. ????
He is your Loving Savior, Faithful Guide, and Returning King. ????
Because of My Son, you have a bright future.
Without My mercy, hell would doom you. ????
All who surrender their entire personality to Christ will live forever—
all others have nothing to look forward to but My crushing wrath. ????
The old order of things will be replaced by the new Jerusalem—
chaos suppressed by calm, darkness scattered by Light. ????
Because of My sympathy, you have a beautiful forever.
Without My kindness, guilt would distress you. ????
Jesus’ death at Skull Hill was not fair—He had done nothing wrong. ????
He died for you—that is love; He swapped with you—that is grace. ????
I would rather you never sinned; but when you do, do not be devastated.
???? When your heart torments you, My heart forgives you. ?????????
When the accuser points to your sin, the Advocate takes your case. ????
Because of My support, you have a Best Friend in court.
Without My power, sin would defeat you. ????
Were it not for the Liberator, you would be enslaved to the evil one. ????
Were it not for the Light, you would scurry as a cockroach in the dark. ????
Were it not for the Savior, you would be emotionally imprisoned by sin. ????
I can cure you of cruel addiction to wickedness—victory is in Me alone. ????
Because of My Spirit, you have boundless freedom.
? Pastor Johnny R. Almond?????????????????? Day 352, Gentle Whispers from Eternity
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