Victory Comes From Within
David James
Writer. Educator. Coach. Professor at Hult International Business School. I am ChatGPT free.
Victory comes from inner-strength. Find yours and win!
Mike Atherton once wrote about a cricketer who was out of form, and suggested he was under so much scrutiny that he could do nothing but rust-up. He stopped functioning in his natural way. He froze. Tense with fear and unable to do what he was supposed to, the critics and observers won they day and ruined his game. Or did he ruin it himself by allowing their views get into his psyche?
It reminded me of how criticism and negative talk over a long period can rust anyone up. It’s a twin edged sword. To rust-up you have to be porous at a mental level to allow the corrosion in. So when the critics shout, you listen and make it a perfect storm of failure.
Mike suggested the player find his inner schoolboy. I think in business and life you should follow suit. Find your inner-self that is free to do what you want without the rust inducers corroding your mind.
WD40 yourself by protecting your thoughts and values from outside influence.
Thank the critics for sharing their views. We are all allowed our views and their views are not yours, they are theirs remember. Accept their right to express opinions.
Instead of being scared about what could go wrong, focus on what will go right. It’s a much better place to keep your head. It’s about what you can create and how you make a difference.
Whenever you start to create, and make a difference, you make noise. Noise attracts critics, keen to destroy not create. Accept this and wear it like a Badge of Honour, a signal that you’re making a difference.
Celebrate the critics as a signal that you’re winning.
Victory comes from inner-strength. Find yours and win!