Victory Against Copyright Infringement: Protecting your Brand and Creations

Victory Against Copyright Infringement: Protecting your Brand and Creations

A recent win in our ongoing efforts to protect one of our brands IP.

The Situation

A seller on the platform was offering a product that was a direct copy of one of our products. This infringement included:

  • Identical physical design
  • Duplicated product images
  • Copied product descriptions

Our Action

We immediately filed a comprehensive copyright infringement report (see below the language we used), detailing the specific ways in which our intellectual property was being violated. Our report included:

  1. Identification of the infringing brand and products
  2. Detailed explanation of design copying
  3. Evidence of image duplication
  4. Similarities in product description

The Outcome

The report was promptly accepted, resulting in the immediate removal of the infringing listings from the platform. This swift action demonstrates the importance of vigilance in protecting your intellectual property and the effectiveness of the platform's copyright protection mechanisms, granted this is not always so effective but this time it’s a win. Seeing the Amazon dogs feels good sometimes!

Moving Forward

While this is a victory for now, we will remain committed to ongoing monitoring and protection of our brands, and so should you! Good Luck!

Here is the full email that we sent to Amazon!

I am writing to formally report a case of copyright infringement on your platform concerning a product sold by the ‘infringing brand’ Store. The listings in question (link to their listing) are a direct copy of a product we sell under our brand, ‘name’.

Brand Infringing: ‘infringing brand’ Store

Products in Question: ‘name of product’ and ‘asins’ infringing

Grounds for the Infringement Claim:

1. Design Copying: The physical design of the ‘product’ sold by ‘infringing brand’ is a clear replica of our original ‘your brand’ product. Both products feature nearly identical covers, writing spaces, and layout of the decorative designs. Our product, carefully designed and protected under copyright law, is being directly imitated without permission.

2. Image Duplication: ‘infringing brand’ listing uses images that are strikingly similar to our ‘your brand’ listing. These images, which show the product in use, the layout of the ‘product’, and even close-up shots of its material and build, are highly suggestive of duplication. It is evident that these images were either copied directly or recreated with minimal effort to differentiate from our original, further infringing on our rights.

3. Product Description Similarities: ‘Infringing brand’ listing uses very similar language in their product descriptions, which mirrors the copy from our original listing. This includes descriptions of the materials, photo sizes, and product use case (e.g., any terminology that your product has!), all of which reflect the branding and messaging developed for ‘your brand’.

This infringement not only harms our business by diverting customers but also violates our exclusive rights as the original creators and sellers of ‘your product’. As the copyright holder for these designs and images, we ask that you promptly remove the infringing listing from your platform.

Action Requested:

1. Immediate removal of the ‘infringing brand’ Store’s infringing listing.

2. Notification to the seller about the copyright violation to ensure they cease any further infringement on our product designs and materials.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. If you need any additional information or documents to support this claim, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Swift action was taken by Amazon using this method. Good Luck!


