VICTORIA'S BIG BUILD - Rail Projects Victoria
Rail Projects Victoria image of the new Avon River bridge crossing

VICTORIA'S BIG BUILD - Rail Projects Victoria

Victoria has embarked on significant rail enhancement projects in recent years.?These include Level Crossings Removal, Station Upgrades, Rail Duplication and the southern end of Inland Rail. ?VicTrack is the owner of Victoria’s rail transport land, assets and infrastructure and leases the assets to rail operators V/Line, Metro Trains Melbourne and Yarra Trams.

Where overhead and underground utilities and services are impacted by rail upgrades VicTrack requires an Independent Compliance Report be provided to confirm that the existing or proposed utilities and services meet current VicTrack standards and those applicable to the Rail Operator and PUP Authority. ?The primary standards are AS4799-2000 for underground rail crossings and Standard Conditions for Electric Power Overhead Lines on or over land vested in Victorian Rail Track for over track crossings. ?Rail Operators use the VRIOGS (Victorian Rail Industry Operators Group Standards) and the utilities and services PUP Authorities each have their own set of standards, codes and guidelines. ?The Independent Compliance Report needs to verify that the design for existing and proposed assets complies with all the applicable standards where modifications to the rail assets are being undertaken in proximity to the utilities and services.

VicTrack has compiled the following documents relating to utilities and services rail crossings – D/17/14523 Guidance – Independent Compliance Report, D/17/62901 Design Requirements & Guidelines and VT-GL 038 VicTrack Drafting Requirements for Third Party Utility Assets on VicTrack Land (Ver 6).

Since 2020 CSDEE Engineering Project Management has undertaken more than 60 rail crossing design reviews and provided Independent Compliance Reports.


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