Victor Vergauwen
Victor Vergauwen
Born on April 1st, 1947 in Lier/Belgium
About me:
At a very early stage in life, I was already fascinated by the wonderful world of Art. At the age of 12, I completed my education at the Art Academy in Lier. It was a very intense education as I attended courses during the day, in the evening and even during the weekend. But I was so impressed by Art that I was eager to find out more and more about art and also how to develop my artistic gift. This is why I decided to go to the Art Academy in Antwerp to start my higher education.
I was introduced to drawing, painting, graphic arts, etc… and this is how I gradually built/developed myself as a professional artist. I am always seeking to expand my knowledge, but I mainly remain focused on ‘Abstract Impressionism’.
When I was 16 years old, I also followed a written course of Albert Dorne. He was the founder of the Famous Artist School and President of the Norman Rockwel School. I attended this course in the Netherlands and left with an A+ quotation at the final assessment.
About my art:
We live in a colorful world. We are all surrounded with color every day. As an artist I always try to take it to the next level. My artwork is fresh, lively, and colorful and it is important that people can easily relate to my work. We all still have our inner child that is often dying to come out, to live again. That is also why my artwork is characterized by sudden na?ve, almost childish depicted forms/shapes.
Also important for people to know is that my work never contains politically inspired messages or subjects, though I do believe that it is important to bring a certain message to the audience. I want my work to have meaning to people, to inspire people and again to create an identification/ liaison with the audience.
I also believe in the ambiguity of my work and I always invite my audience to
call out their own conclusions and fantasies and to label my work with a description of their own. I also invite you to give it a try.
What other people say about my work.
I quote
The elements of the figurative art of Victor Vergauwen give the term 'purity' a whole new dimension. A dimension that goes way beyond the traditional concept of just some square meters. The art works are original, pristine and characterized by accuracy and brightness. The visual elements empower the articulated, poetic backgrounds to be essential.
Prof.Cesare Cacciavilani Motta, Italy, 2015
Contest participations:
· 2016: Finalisti Premio Combat Prize - Livorno Italia.
· 2017: Artisti Segnalati Premio Combat Prize - Livorno Italia
· 2018: Artisti Segnalati CCBA Prize Milaan Italia
· 2018: Running Up Prize by 11Th-Pollux- Awards Barcelona Espa?a
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