Victor Haskins – “Showing Up” CD Review
There was a time that you couldn’t fly out of Richmond without seeing then-undergraduate Victor Haskins, nattily suited and larger than life, on the concourse wall anchoring the VCU Arts advertising mural. Superimposed beside his image: “When knowledge, talent and passion work in perfect harmony, that’s true art.”
So, that is something to live up to.
Quietly virtuosic and deeply-focused, Haskins at that time was a star in Rex Richardson’s trumpet studio, the first and still the only person to graduate in three years. Now the director of In-School Jazz Ensembles at the Kennedy Center, and adjunct professor at William and Mary, he’s continued to expand his polished musical palette. Perhaps most surprising is his embrace of the Electronic Wind Instrument- a breath-operated synthesizer whose effects go beyond the single-notes of the trumpet to open a chordal harmonic landscape.
“Showing Up” is a fitting update to Haskin’s excellent 2013 debut “The Truth [32 Bar Records].” Where that recording was a melodically lush, mostly acoustic quintet session in the classic Blue Note mold, the new release is fronting his trio, Skein. (The word has several meanings- a knotted braid, a complicated situation, or a V-shaped flight of waterfowl.)
While the arrangements are stripped down, that leaves more space for Haskins. His development is most obvious on two songs also included on the earlier release. “Morning,” like the earlier version, is acoustic. But where before the horn was cosseted in lovely piano playing by Steve Kessler, the new version is sparer, it’s lyricism more intimate. While wordless, Haskins' songs are like short stories, and in this case the narrative is clear, as the music moves from gentle awareness to full engagement.
Full review by PETER MCELHINNEY >> Style Weekly
Victor Haskins album available now on Bandcamp
Lionel Thomas is an artist painter of music, musician, and storyteller. France-born and international artist, he brings a colourful perspective and injects new life into the art world with his myriad of vibrant works.
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