Ibrahim Baba Lawan
Versatile writer with thematic Series of poetry works; DADIN KOWA Soap;- It's a Goal (Qatar 2022); Translator/Author...
Collection of Poems
Writer : Ibrahim B. Lawan
Aware or not, you may have been a victim of a particular condition in life ! Being a happy, protected or powerful one – doesn’t mean that you are totally barred from being a victim. A lot of people are victim of their love, hate, struggle, luck, achievement, idea and even a favorite dish, without knowing it.
Victims as collection of poems finds exactly where a particular event of your life corresponds a person called, Victim. But still if you can't find yourself a victim, in these poems, still you can be a victim of either the humor or excitement of the poems. May I have your heart Open and explore these poems critically and artistically. Enjoy your emotion!
1. Blind lover
What a diurnal luck the blind stumbled ?
victim she's of her target goal
victim she's of her groping
victim she's of her catch
victim she's of her feeling
such a Chance in advance
over nocturnal love
she's the presentable victim
with a bloody heart all around pain
lovely pain born by bulky YES of love
She jumped over the ugly fence of NO
to buy such a costly seal
2. The potent
Never be
and she never be
and never she be
a victim like all natures
wonder how buthidae being a victim
OH , Mighty shall never to groan
puissant shall never to scream
strenuous shall never to mourn
and i wonder if she ever love
ever if she compassionated a victim
ever if she believed in pity feeling
ever if she knew cool honey
who knows when-how she being a prey
and victim of whom and who
She's just victim freest might
3. A self Victim
Between the two
the two of what i love
and that of hatred
there's one victimized feeling
swinging freely off the two worlds
entangled all the wishes
i feel congested with dreams
choked with some ugly realities
too fool to identify from either , any ego
I dressed up to the nine to impress
later i noticed an imbalance in emotions
now knelt a squat as victim of my over-confidence
My Camera
My romantic camera is dead-beat
She snorted finally after busy focus
An obsessive images of humans,
made her to vomit some boredom
Many eyesore would visit her as ghost
That she isn’t free of nightmare too
O, I have been anticipating for positivity in her
Sweets, colors and warmer smiles
With conventional backgrounds
And liberal foreground in sight
Now that a shame of messed up with hope
Ending up in coaxing her to accept all wishes
as attraction contradicted with interest.
She snorted, to utter her favorite smile
She splashed, to invest in human fun
She sighed to sympathize with lost
Misogynist has once enjoyed her
Her as a woman, the 3D pic. of glory
Her as leisure, the 3D pic of fun
Her as living memory of humanity
I just want discard these feelings
on behalf of her
So that she can refresh.
And be ready top
For WOMEN smiles of the future
O, lovely my camera!
Feel free these dormant nights
Chirps and darkness, aren’t matter
Relax to feed from natural light
You’re virgin after any pic. snapped
Stay virgin, my darling
Sweet dream!
5. September 11
i was born as victim of feelings,
victimized by emotion of natures,
ruined by day-dreams and forenoons
spoiled by ideas, taste and appetites
absorbed beautifully ahead of fantasies.
I snapped many supersonic dreams,
on seedy background for geminated fruits,
with spacious shutter to roam free,
pictured dream of me VS admiration,
African VS blossomed impression.
registered dream for a startling show,
sensational exhibition VS reachable horizon,
cheerful view VS artful impression,
spoiled moods VS Lord of fun,
all hearts concerned for sweet memories,
while hopping to win the free miles.
6. The lovely
Infected i was by Freedom
a lovely victim of my own expression
a lovely victim of impression
such a lovely confidence of me
drive the folk a limitless routes
to escape with fun-smiles 'n' cheers
the only practical assets i can present
in all events of emotional play
and only i can give tonight
when silence break words of loving
7. The Past
The past has forgotten me !
and it gone like breeze of forgiveness
along with some events it flew
faded in the name of past
hiding its reflection in memories
Oh , sensational hour , can ye remember me ?!
It's me the victim of euphoria
i've forgotten some leisure in your purse
and can't loom just like a frustrated crimson
without refunding me the identity
which bearing my smile and delight
Please recall to enrich me !
8. Target Upon Morrow
I set to trigger out into morrow
how far to go and going
how capable , is the optimism
obsessive it falls upon the mind
sweet upon the calculation of dream
victim of my own action , it' me
and a slave of consequences
Mr. appetent set to trigger
desirous would accurately reach out
as a self-victimized hunter
9. Hope
A lot more hope and hope , swinging upon horizon
ripe but slippery extreme upon the horizon
theirs shadows dangled a bit closer toward dreams
life is processing the mysterious images of anticipation
and the art continued , now and again naturally
as the Hope and hope kept on swirling , and even more virtuosic
with all naked hearts connecting their spirits upward
standing we , waiting in vein for time to put them , GOALS
OH , the very humans , the very victim of hope !
10. Life Guest
Heart of mine had a guest
and my natural love hosted her
with yearning and affection
the only arts i can bestow
she's too bulky , vast
that i can't move further , such love burden
and i can't adjust for painful comfort
stagnant i remained all fridays
and its neighbouring days and nights
i was mocked by all natures
Turdidae was crazy singing , a victim of life guest .
But cares not me !!
Let's carry on the sweet pain pain
11. Russian
I enjoyed being an imaginary Russian
alot more loads of impressions here
and there in the land of swarthy faced man
and i want chop them one and one by one
as Kulak i still need my fame intact
only that how can i sift the nusea out of love
just to love and keep slurping a taste
really i felt to recreating myself
and rove in stal exra era of Yes
wandering gossip to hunting Russian funs
picking some emotions from dustbin history
becoming victim of my own foolishness .
12. I overhear
I still overheard the gun shot
John Wilkes Booth was still shooting
how confident was the trigger
how i wish i were gun , then i would be missing
and be lost somewhere out of ghoulish eyes
scared and panic i was with the sound
and never ready to be a stampeded victim
Still firing my feeling , at long range
Mummy can't you smell my hearing !!
a stray , blind gun crossed the history
toward today feeling for Honest Abe
tried to victimize love our for Rail - splitter
he was still shooting - i can feel .
13. Rose
I pity some of ye , Miss. Rosaceae
Ye beauti victimized some admirers
this why i feel sorry for some impression
as colors victimized some attractions
and this why I do apologize some them
OH, their nectar is no taste to anthidium
In the abundant look of me
there many victims of Ugly and beauty
there many green Garden for only blinds
there many dessert for eyed ones
And those sees with logic remains the victims
in pain of freedom of identifying
verification and recognition
14 Birds
Who provoked winter such soaring chill ,
nature to outburst ?!
birds either late in their miles
or earlier in their destination
beating wings to forward the goals
in a moderate flight for simple landing
as a Meliphagidae i need to set
early than morning star
'cause fearing not be Victim in Wintery Sabbath
15. The manager
I contrived my feeling to save some emotions
ordained to pretend the earlier pain ,
operated in order to fix a capability ,
managed to start to win a hero ,
wondered how i could be a victim of fault ? !
16. Miss. Hungry
Miss. Hungry ! most trusted is of all my friends
open and honest that i have been with
mastered all my tastes ; reminding not fall starved
all along with me , when other senses left me
the most palpability with all time-concern
the only sensitivity that i never share with sweetheart
the only tangibility i spent rampantly fool for
natural humor with fixed time routing
she married millions creatures at a time
and no one is disgraced of her prick victimization
as she uphold appetite for transitional moods .
17. Identity
Identify me as Stand-still
static whole of my loving
i used to hear about moving objects
dreaming how risky are they to their desires
asinine are in their art life
the imbecilic cheap himself apart
how shall i sell here for younder
Oh , never be apart of sweet feeling
me here i stand-still , remaining myself
stagnant was all these me as myself
and i can't make it any inch against myself
and can't brave it any lenth , away
such delectable victimization of myself
18. Victims heard
Snorting !
The snort belong to the oppressor
it's valuable humor for morrow
silence of freedom should host more of it
to reinforce real anticipation
as time should never be empty slow
more din in the quietude of freedom is vigor
19. Pain
Shall the oldest pain retire from being a Victim ,
and dying as nincompoop slave of disgrace ?!
variation of forgiveness must be dictators , if the law is passed
newly caged birds can't feel whole condoned in favor of past songs
and seal of futuristic justice is off from being reflected
20. Enslaved Lamps
Free darkness has enjoyed hosting both
the naked truth and false and typical tastes
imagine ! where were the enslaved lamps
who's dictating those Radiance up there
misusing their grace to expose secret of goodness
OH , never them be made for such vices
light them freely ; release to marry a free darkness
them must not to be victims of hidden hearts
21. Dirty Lamp
How i wish i were a dirty lamp
with odor to keep a lot away
i would startle some hidden gloom
some hypocritical light can't maltreat me
never i can be lamp for lost love
i rather remain in myself , dirty lamp
with even irritating fame
only i would sacrifice for clean victims
when the sun eclipse untimely.
22. Victim of Question Marks
Unique full-stop i'm in wordy loving
no dot like me ever to the world of your loving
leisure-jokes-fun were most companions
all aback , testifying the installation of the greatest
greatest greatest Full-stop ever lived in the history
Oh , the dearest ! have me a courage from your chest
afraid of some question marks only i'm
they enemy of expression to poking me bad
the radical hooks peeling me naked ; Prey
too weak commas are to enrich my standing
23. Beautiful Picture
Fantastic !
the backgroung color competatively
moulded the foreground sheen
to bear beauti of beautiful image
O, on the wall of love , a dearest Pic refuged
stand smiling sweet at me and them
the transitional admiration is bouncing back
upon the sharp shadow and line of memories
mad victim of the only seen object of life !
24. Swahili
Partially the key was Swahili and the
tinkling music victimized the loneliness in the palace
the clinking-3 subjugated the homesickness in him
And i desired to keep opening the doors
as the key-hole was friendly unbiased
as the key-hole was compatible to all of me
still rough against the Shy Fulani folk
and it even tortured the rare fun i have found
on the course of handling the handle
such disgrace of mixture of selfishness
I sourced other keys of rebellion from a nearby horizon
and i reborn a man of doors and territories
25. The Birds Syrian
Cool smile exravagance of !
calmness in its moving goals
locality with impressive empire
land of tight jeans worn birds
flying distinctly humble miles
uploading the compatible love
along with alpha -Omega beauti
sexy eyes have blind desires
O, such 100% rare Arabian attraction
I would keep Hala's Hanky for memonto
'cause it's free of nusea to be
victim of Syrian twinkles !
26. Sint Eustatius
A girl called Sint Eustatius !
dared to date him the boy
the boy the fledgling America
She fired love in the name of salutation
shelling out a smile of recognition
just to buy love or future or what ?!
I saw her tiny , in highlighted history
of bulky America of today , ye fading
O, who care to diagnose her sent love
who care to reverse a warm memory
tiny ye sound in the favorite 1776
only that I came across ye , crawling
along eccentric chapter and names
being forgotten after ye launched some love
for America yester
Little girl, Ye must be victim of forgotten love
27. Fitting the Love
The hearts sang their hope
compatible entertainment
desires would march the love
so that the happiness blossom
lovers would fitting in tastes
so ye and me can't be victims
of miss-marching dreams
28. The Champions
Insulted were by their own hap
disgraced by both determination
and whole process of confidence
but dared to fly dreams exploration
the bulky hope managed the starting
with rules toilsome of challenges
enslaved were by emotional pretence
being fools to win leisure of enemy
obstacles saved much of the journey
sweet they reached out the destiny
a transition to , from victims then champions
29. Fools VS Time
The passage of time has excited the fools
standing by the window to extend the fun
laughing butterflies hinder them a boredom
singing birds took illusion in them
rainbows highlighted some beauties in them
O , stand-still are in passage of time
doubtful if really Door and Time are related
They preserved a Door as stand-still , by a window
enjoying peeping life , such a scenic look
could hang around at door step , outside ? !
as they felt In , and safer safety sane
Somewhere in a clock , them victims for time
30. Camera
Mind as camera is yet to act of
which object among life collections
background which of desires
foreground which of interests
the tripod is ashamed of unimportance
the shape of the night under exposed
and that light of the day over exposed
When the angle of thoughts compromised focuse ?
the cumbersome camera is still it
happy-go-lucky ready to do and do the doing
victim variety of ideas !!!
31. "Merchant of death is dead"
Mourning who did in a noisy exploitation world
more exploitation of questions to relieve a peace
answers shall hijack the commotion into future
he the victim of his own fame survived himself
swerved off from death rumor to Ludvig
just to live in form of prizes and pride forever .
32. Malala
She's a bird with spare hope
flying in supersonic dream
for the nest and nestlings
she beat the optimistic wings
to enjoy space of wisdom
to reach the nest of pride
She brave her young voice
singing up up in the sky
and morrow echoed fluently
Malala is riding a wisdom
when her tidy belief is shot
O, Gee-Up ! Gee-Up !
Victim of roughness shall reach
33. Goodbye
I don't have any other spare goodbye
and the only one I've not yet ripe
not ready to whisper it out, against
bye against any inch of separation
too young to host a yearning
too old to refuge on loneliness
and this's why i don't have any
and i don't have any spare goodbye
Imagine ! how shall i lost the only bye
O ,let's him be victim of togetherness
than victim of goodbye
34. Innocent Pen
Held and moved upon point-of-views
dragged and pushed upon notions
encased in conflict of feelings
enslaved by both impression-expression
hasn't no pastime to relieve a sighing
restless in the content of literal world
created to live and feed in human glory
only innocent thing in a crime world
only victim of forgotten human reward
35. The Ageing Beauty
Mirrow she may not need , any more
sided she's , neutral is the mirrow
and altercation before herself
forcing a humble mirrow friend
to magnify out an impression
wanted to absorbed extra taste
to blossom beyond size of her time
be duplicated for extra cheers and applause
well backed by fashions and day dreams
well fit in the shadow of her colors
while drafted onto victim of aging
36. Smile
Liberal smile fit all the merriment
facial freedom shall chuckle in impression
smirk , giggle for all the distinct expressions
exhibition of laughter upon cheek and chin
Victims of jocundity of Democracy , Us
37. Pshaw
Slippery surface of love and couldn't run fast upon
over-confident steps accelarated free desires flames
didn't know if i can impress the distance with hopping
Pshaw ! slowness has consumed sweet vigor of love
all anticipations got older and exhausted . Pshaw !!
Victim I'm
38. Omega
Awesome you're
impressed from the back end
senior-ed from the top front
led the family letters pride
positioned simply epistle
such a rich lore that doesn't victimize a learned
Only that : how much is Ye with love conversation ?!
39. Pity
Pity has victimized a costly feeling
extravagance of compassion
interjection of benignancy
can mercy softening this callous ? !
shall tears be refrained back ?!
nestlings have only a single verse
out of singing chirps in the silent natures
the congested and rude skies for young wings
harder to fly the hope , the morrow and goals
dreams lumbered behind unnoticeable dawns
and pass thru noon and nightfall free
un-cared-for in the eyes of Capitalism
and missed to feel by Phasi
anidae .
envying , static Roses against toddling bunnies !
40. Coins
Some tossed coins fraud are
rigged their weigh and falls silent
prone completely in their pretense
waiting to me retry them a luck
i don't know their mission by now
when failed to show my favorite seal
failure to jingle and to wake a hope
their shame can't buy an appetite
heavy nasty in the purse of me
clink rudely with bickering in a pocket
enchanting both the me and pickpocket friends
O, victim of White Elephant i'm !
41. Safeia of Bhopal
She dreamed in her salad's days
with charmed eyes , gazed her goals
repeated her beauty in the mirror of love
such a lively blossom in City of Lakes
was cute , sprouting upon ladder of aspiration
when Methyl Isocyanate pervert all inspiration
never eye smiles of lovely rainbow , again
she groping to grasp the escaped hope
and non of her laugher shall revive the past fun
She lovely memento - victim of catastrophe !
42. Running Lovers
Lovers in "Night and fog Decree"
have the desirous pulses hidden
exposed to a venerable time of love
in cumbersome hope themselves managed
sneaked at clandestineness and pretense
believing in every steps shall saving
putting more trust at passages and back
setting suspicion upon further sights
hosted by midnight chirp of illusion
Keitel Order dreaming victims !
43. She
ignored the smiles
and the applause
and the cheer i do
glanced at direction i leaned
eyed at carelessness
proudly turning the siren face
her nose in the air
sniffing at high accent
contempt at reflecting colors
victim fan of recognition
don't know how to build me
bonny patience ; enticing me
44. I meet the Time
I find one more night
along the time of leisure
full of Spanish chirps
teemed of nude lamps
exposed i was extremely
that i feigned being blind
grope and grasp and hold
in a free gossip time of crimson
too far from other stars
managed slithering in hearts
self victimized of rare joy
45. The Story
The rainbow get a story
to be delicate to trust a distance
between the content of human love
the colorful sky faced us down beautifully
leaned majestic to impress looks
and accommodate artful friendship
between human look and the nature
that doesn't victimize any look focus
from this Garden of earth .