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Entrepreneurs and Business owners might want to read this. ??
Over the past weeks, I've been a victim myself. Worrying is a disease. It'll put your mind at a Dis _EASE.
You might experience one or both of this simultaneously.
#1- Short term Worry, "What am I going to do next?"
Human love certainty, they love to know what's going to happen next and this type of Worry kill them.
This is the Worry of the unknown, and uncertainty.
Where do I go after high school, Where do I work after graduation, What is my next step from here, "just TELL ME WHAT TO DO." This is why insurance and consulting/coach sell.
The Cure??
"Knowledge". Ask, and reach out to relevant people, experts that can help you solve that worry. or You can just learn and understand them better, the more you know the more it's transit from the "unknown" to a "known".
And what is known isn't that scary anymore.
#2- Long term Worry, "what's going to happen next"?
This usually happens after you act upon the first worry. You just decided to take action against an unknown so "what's going to happen, next"?
Human's mind loves creativity and imagination, give it a "bad seed" of a "what if....." scenario, it'll play 100 movies for you that night.
This is the Worry of the uncontrollable.
The Cure??
"Acceptance". Watch those movies and pick the worst-case scenario and just accept it.
Can you live with it? Can you still walk, breath, and eat after?
Once you've accepted it, be at peace with it and forget about it. Focus on the "Controllable" variables.
Understand the dis_EASE of the "Worry" and the "Cure", will help clear and expand your mind's capacity for what's matter.