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Why do companies like Apple & Telsa are so damn successful???????
Because they all have defined core values and every decisions, products, employees, culture from the company reflect those "core values".
So I've been thinking ........
What is the "Vicolize" brand's core values? And what do they mean to us?
??Meaning: Our Core Values are a reflection of our brand. We will deliver results, Hire, and Choose our clients based on those values.
We are willing to sacrifice short term gains to future opportunities that do not align with our core values and make long term decisions to opportunities that do align with them.
??Vicolize's Core Value #1 - Culture
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Whether you're paying us or getting paid by us. You will be treated equally and respectfully.
In fact, we often used the term "mate, bro, brother" to clients or just refer to them by their first name.
Whoop!! I wouldn't recommend that to your clients.
Our team are closely knitted. We display gratitude, show work ethics and trust to each other.
??Vicolize's Core Value #2 - "We do what it takes"
-The Bigger Picture
We'll always work to solve the client's problem and focus on the "End" goal, not "Mean" goals.
We looked at the bigger pictures, you don't care about lead gen or Facebook marketing. You care about your sale revenue so you can spend more time with the kids (or more time to focus on other things).?? Am I right?
So we DO what it takes.
*Leads are not qualified? > Full Pre-qualified/Nurturing Sequences.
*Cost Per lead (CPL) too high? > Google/Youtube Ads.
*Too many Leads? > Inbound Sale Agent (ISA) to booked appointments.
*Can't Close ?> We help recruit COMMISSION only closers.
*Specific Roadblock? >Weekly Coaching calls.
*Can't Scale? > Head to Toe Automation Set Up.
This also works both ways with our internal team. We SEE the bigger picture for our staffs. We would never lock anyone in a contract to work with us.
Our staff's vision is to learn, grow, work on their term and be their own boss. (These are the type of people we hired, anyway)
We're proud to say that we have more than 200+ hours of training materials and support for all of our new trainee.
??Vicolize's Core Value #3 - Result Driven & Work Ethic
The agency who walk their talk.
We offer Trial, Guarantee, or Pay per leads model to clients that come on board with us for the first time because we want to put our money where our mouth is.
The risk should be shared and controlled, not given.
And we will be moving to (Pay Per Appointments) PPA and (Pay Per Show) PPS in the near future.
So to conclude, we will forever change and adapted like any businesses in the future but I'll know for sure that our core values will remain the same.
And every decision, hire, action, the result we made will REFLECT these three cores value.
In Fact, the list may even get a little longer in the future.
Look if you read it this far........
Our values must have resonated with you.......
I like to invite you a drop me a personal message or a line below to see how our system can benefit you......
At the same time, I will give you $100 money back GUARANTEE if you think our call is a waste of your time.