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I've never heard of the company Zappo.Inc or their CEO Tony Hsieh before, until I came across one of the most underrated books "Deliver Happiness".* Will the link in the comment.
I strangely felt connected with the author, mainly because of the immigrant background & academic Asian parents.
So here what I learned about "happiness"...
Humans are really bad at picking the things that they "think" will make them happy. Especially in the long run.
However, if you ask people "why" they do what they do, enough times, they always arrive at the same answer. All human core desire is to "pursue happiness and avoid suffering".
So what exactly is "happiness"?
Well, there're 4 frameworks when it comes to maximising your happiness.
??Happiness Framework #1
Perceived Control - A sense of freedom & choice. A feeling of in control.
These can include having your apartment/own income stream, the ability to choose which job you want or just freedom of speech.
Take away people "sense of control", and one level of happiness will decrease significantly.
**Perceived Control does not mean ultimate freedom.
??Happiness Framework #2
Perceived Progress - A sense of moving forward.
"Happiness is just the achievement of goals"
Why did you wake up this morning? why are you reading this long-ass post?
To be better. To progress. We're all currently at point "A" and want to get to point "B".
This is economy 101, this why people buy things, to better themself.
People that do not feel a sense of progress, will fall into a state of uneasiness & agitation. Over time this will become "depression".
??Happiness Framework #3
Connectedness- A sense of deep connection.
"Happiness does not primarily come from within, but from between"
It's in our nature to seek a deeper connection with all living being as one of the most social primates.
This connectedness can be spiritual with a higher power/being, nature, animal (pet), another human being or between oneself.
??Happiness Framework #4
Vision & Higher Purpose - A sense to serve.
There are 3 levels of the "Maslow pyramid". The bottom is basic need such as food, water, shelter.
Once achieved, humans are no longer motivated by material objects. They motivated to pursue the 2nd stage which is a career, passion, relationship, social status, hobby .etc.
When all of the survival needs are met, we are motivated to pursue a higher purpose, one beyond money, oneself, one's company. This is where people find the most joy.
So to sum it up, Happiness is a state of mind where its perceived control & progress, deep connectedness with oneself or another while pursuing a higher purpose.
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