Vicious Democracy vs Virtuous Republicanism and the Necessity for the Republican National Patriot Party
You visualize this scenario with me.
You imagine a group of college students and other young adults specifically targeting and slandering a man in his early thirties who's single and a young working professional. They claim he has COVID-19 and dedicate a social media page for warning against this man who they say is infected with COVID-19.
They post videos of him maskless and not practicing social distancing. They post videos of him coughing, sneezing, and blowing his nose. Every post is introduced with the saying, "Beware of death itself killing everybody with COVID everywhere he goes."
They have good intentions. They are doing it for a good cause. It is "for the public safety" "to protect the public health." They are warning the public of a COVID spreader.
But, the content goes viral. The social media page gets tens of millions of followers. This vigilantism against a COVID spreader turns into verbal and physical bullying against this man alleged to have COVID-19. the vigilantism turns into cyberbullying as he gets vilified and ostracized. Others start posting and sharing videos of them tripping, pushing, and shoving hum as they ridicule, taunt, and make fun of him.
This persists for several months. Content continues going viral against him. The bullying and cyberbullying persists against him. The social media page created to target him continues gaining followers. A substantial majority of those not actively involved in this stand by and remain silent. They agree it is wrong, evil, and immoral. But, they do not get involved to stop this largely out of fear of retaliation. After all, they reason at least, they are not joining in with the bullying and cyberbullying.
Here is a good example of what democracy does to people. It is a good example of what democracy turns people into. Democracy results in people being vile. It results in people being vicious. The morality of the people are corrupted by and with democracy. People turn selfish and seek after their self-interest. They put their desires and interests above and ahead of others even at the expense of harming and injuring others, even at the cost of others getting killed.
Democracy creates demagogues and encourages demagoguery. Democracy encourages ideology and creates ideologues. Democracy results in a bully culture. Democracy produces perpetrators, bullies, and bystanders.
James Madison expressed in Federalist, No 51:
"What is government other than the greatest of reflections of all of human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern among men, no external restraints would be necessary on government."
Returning to the illustration of seemingly harmless gossip and a seemingly innocent smear campaign turning into bullying and cyberbullying, lets imagine further a small minority of individuals get involved to speak out and stand up for this man in his thirties who's getting targeted. It begins with one individual, a powerful, influential constitutional attorney in the neighborhood where this man lives. Not only this constitutional attorney has the ability to protect, defend, and advocate for him and his constitutional rights and constitutional liberties. But, the constitutional attorney has the means and resources to help him in his situation and lift him out of this situation he finds himself in.
She searches for him and seeks him out. She finds him sitting on a bridge over a river, a couple of weeks away from eviction because he is unable to pay rent he has due in less than a week. He is crying as he sits on the bridge. Talking with him, the constitutional attorney discovers he has been unemployed for several months. He has been unable to find work and unemployment since the cyberbullying began over allegations of him having COVID-19. Even two of three of his roommates turned against him and despise him over fear he could infect them with COVID-19. He might or might not have COVID-19. But, he refuses to get tested and refuses to get vaccinated.
Led by this powerful, influential constitutional attorney, this small minority goes on to the social media page to counter the disparaging content and commentary against him. They get involved to stop anybody who verbally assaults him and physically harms him. Soon, tens of thousands join them in defense of the man alleged to have COVID-19. The social media page soon comes down as its popularity soon quickly plummets. The bullying and cyberbullying against him ends soon as it is soon increasingly clear he has tens of millions with him on his side prepared to come to his defense.
Here is Republicanism in contrast to democracy. Here is a good example of what results from Republicanism. The people are moral and virtuous. They have moral virtuous leadership in Politics & Government. People and the leadership are selfless. They place the public interest and interests of others before and ahead of self-interest. Republicanism results in people being less self-serving. The people and leadership seek to be of service to others instead.
Republicanism results in an upstander culture. Republicanism produces defenders, protectors, and upstanders. Republicanism is self-government and builds the "Shining City on the Hill" Ronald Reagan spoke of.
Democracy is determined and influenced by public opinion. Democracy is determined and influenced by elections. As public opinion goes, so goes democracy. As elections go, so goes democracy.
Republicanism determines and influences public opinion. Republicanism determines and influences elections. As Republicanism goes, so goes public opinion. As Republicanism goes, so go elections.
I continue my call anew for the formation of the Republican National Patriot Party. I call for the formation of the Republican National Patriot Party to restore and preserve Republicanism in and around the United States of America. I call for the formation of the Republican National Patriot Party to promote and spread Republicanism abroad around the globe. We need to have a coordinated organized global resistance against the siren calls for democracy. We need to form a coordinated organized global political movement for Republicanism.
But, Republicanism begins with the United States of America. The United States is not the world policeman. The United States is to be the world peacemaker. The United States of America is not to be the Number one promoter and propagator of democracy. The United States is to be the Number one promoter and propagator of Republicanism abroad around the globe.
The time is now to end the bullying culture in the United States of America and abroad around the globe. The time is now for us to take a stand against the perpetrators and bullies in the United States and abroad and around the globe. The time is now for the bystanders to come off of the sidelines and join in being upstanders. We call for the end of democracy and bully culture. We call for the end of democracy and the end to the neutrality of the bystanders. Remaining neutral in the presence of bullying enables the bullying. We need to stand against democracy and the perpetrators and bullies.
It is why we need to form the Republican National Patriot Party in the United States of America. We need to form the Republican National Patriot Party to replace the Republican Party. We need to form the Republican National Patriot Party to create a formidable front against democracy and big government bully- enabling political moderation/Centrism. I call upon Republicans, conservatives, Moderate/Centrist Democrats, Independents, unaffiliated voters, and other Third Party voters to join with the Republican National Patriot Party. I call upon voters across the United State to join the Republican National Patriot Party in creating a unified political front against the democratic bullying culture and be bystanders.