The Vibrator Age, A Plastic Era Devoid of Romance
? Indulge me for a minute if you would, ponder this idea alongside me. Think about how we become numb at the same pace stimuli increases. As corporations devise ever increasing levels of invasive dopamine spikes, we become less sensitive and more indifferent.?
From sex toys to fast food, every orifice is being stuffed with laboratory engineered products. Every sense is invaded with for-profit mechanisms designed to stimulate our base instincts.?We have become Dopamine addicts, empty calories, Romance-less cyborgs all at the expense of thriving in this fleeting life.?
We live in an age where we can enslave ourselves to screens and never really see beauty with our own eyes. The cowboys have traded in their guns for flavor explosion Doritos. Romance is a unicorn; hedonism and the grocery store are interchangeable and true joy is a myth. We seek pleasure instead of happiness. When our era is excavated, when future archeologists define us, we will be remembered as – the Vibrator Age.???
Let us take a quick cursory look at the products, psyche and programming that diminished our senses. I believe that the industrial revolution sowed the first seeds, a promise of a better life through technology. Very effective marketing instilled in us an expectation of easy, all of our needs met at the push of a button.?
As once arduous tasks became quick and painless, self-reliance got pushed aside for the next magic machine. An entirely new kind of people began to form, and things were just getting started. Once industrialization got a full head of steam, mass production added another temptation – CHEAP! Get everything you want and get it cheap. Not only was it easy, now it was cheap, waves of plastic crap poured into our lives.?
Now a whole generation expected everything to be cheap and easy. This is where things started to get sinister. The philosophy of cheap and easy took hold in the food industry. Industrialization, flavor labs and unbridled greed inundated our grocery store shelves with food imposters.?
These engineered products were cheap, easy and the holy grail – addictive.?The desire for salts, fats and sugars is high on or animalistic priority list. Just like that, the cheap, easy and addictive food made the simple slow food seem bland and expensive. Ever increasing stimulating flavors took the place of quality family meals and now we struggle to connect with loved ones.
This is how the romance began to die. A family that once would sit around the table, dine on real food and talk, now sat in front of the tube with a tinfoil-trayed science dinner. Two forms of stimulation designed to get dopamine in the veins now replaced the happiness of family and a good meal. Life got a little less beautiful, the art of living was starting to get lost.?
Television dialed its programming to occupy as much of our mind space as possible. It became so effective that entire generations were raised by it. This numbed population was primed for the most invasive technology yet. Technology so powerful they can create heroin level feelings in the brain. This is how the Vibrator Age began - a time of synthesized pleaser, food imposters, empty connection.??
Our actual minds are manipulated by algorithms in real time. The reptilian brain falls easy prey to the promises, “this will make you feel good,” “this is what you need,” “this will make you sexy,” and on and on. Create dissatisfaction in the mind and then sell the solution.??
So many generations in, we have become cheap, easy and addicted. We are made to believe that it is our birthright to have and consume everything all at once, holding our mouths open for corporations to come puke the next thing on us. Like addicts we become numb to the stimulation that was once intense.?
We keep adding more stuff to try and feel something. Social media, porn, and fast food now take the place of gardening, pot roast and making love. It is no wonder there is a struggle to connect, when we have become the product.?
On the other side of the coin, how do we live a poetic meaningful life in this sick plastic age???Three things come to mind.?
First – DO NOT DESPAIR. Realize that these are powerful tricks and it is easy to fall prey to nefarious corporations. You have been sold a lie, but are starting to wake up.
Second - RE-SENSITIZE yourself. Decrease the stimuli and give yourself space to notice nuance. It will take an extra-ordinary level of consciousness and drive to rise above these clever traps. Romance is extraordinary and thusly will require extraordinary effort. You will have to rage against the machine, wage war on cheap tricks and slow garden for serotonin.?Build a life of consciousness, not of numb pleasure. To be connected to the beauty of life, you will have to protect yourself from sinister products.
Third - THRIVE. All times in human history have posed challenges and this is no different. Those who grip tight to amassing wealth and power have always caused pain to those who embrace the journey. You may observe a sea of blank dull faces trapped under their own apathetic weight, but that’s not for you. You and your time on this earth can be beautiful! Be extraordinary, turn off the noise, disconnect, learn the value of soil, light some candles and grill something you marinated for a couple days. Bloom like dandelions in a parking lot. Go and create beauty where there is none.?
When we are sensitive to the delicate beauties in life it is much easier to create romance, connection and meaning.?If you would like to learn more about how to re-sensitize yourself to more beauty in life, send me a message or schedule a call at:?
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2 年"The cowboys have traded in their guns for flavor explosion Doritos." So powerful! May we feel more, love more and deepen or romance together <3 I'm excited to see more of your thought-provoking pieces of work!