Vibration Free HUSH-BORE so Quiet it's Boring
TaeguTec World
TAEGUTEC offers a full range of innovative metalworking solutions that cut manufacturing cost and increases productivity
TaeguTec's next-generation HUSH-BORE is a vibration-free, head-changeable boring bar line designed for deep internal turning.
The damping system in the #shank of the HUSH-BORE can achieve deep internal #machining by more than 5XBD. This remarkable damping performance gives the workpiece excellent surface roughness, which prolongs #ToolLife and promotes stable machining.
It also means increased #feed and cutting speeds, making it a more productive option.
The machining depth in internal turning varies based on the type of shank material used; carbide boring bars can be used up to 5XBD, whereas steel boring bars can be used up to 3XBD (bar diameter).
Yet, even with carbide boring bars, deep #InternalTurning is still very challenging to manage. The anti-vibration HUSH-BORE line for deep interior machining received excellent feedback upon its release under the SFEED-TEC family of technologically superior cutting tools, proving that this obstacle has only sparked innovation.
Moving forward, #TaeguTec has added 12xD and 14xD shanks to its lineup of already available 7xD and 10xD shanks, providing even deeper internal turning solutions to the HUSH-BORE’s dampening technology.
Shanks for the HUSH-BORE line are available as standard items in 7 different diameters (?16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, and 60 mm) and 4 lengths (7XBD, 10XBD, 12XBD, and 14XBD). The various #exchangeable heads can be securely fastened with serrated couplings located in the boring bars.
TaeguTec has introduced its top-tier WIN-SFEED technology to the HUSH-BORE boring bar family of highly efficient #CuttingTools.
With a ?80 shank and a dedicated head introduced to the anti-vibration HUSH-BORE boring bar line, TaeguTec has expanded its reach in the deep internal machining market.
The line enables relatively large-diameter internal machining and comes in two varieties: a #modular head with standard inserts for machining a variety of materials and an adapter that can machine while attached to a standard square holder.
Additionally, TaeguTec provides specialized sleeves that improve the set-up time of the HUSH-BORE boring bars, making it quick and simple.
These specific sleeves with a one-sided slit maintain a robust #clamping force and high precision because of their wide contact area when combined with the new HUSH-BORE shank.
To further diversify the HUSH-BORE family’s range, TaeguTec offers modular threading heads for both 16 IR/L… and 22 IR/L… inserts. The new modular heads are compatible with both HUSH-BORE shanks and C-ADAPTERs with HUSH-BORE head connections.
For internal grooving of deep holes, TaeguTec’s HUSH-BORE uses the highly effective and productive T-CLAMP line of inserts, thereby offering ranges between 2 mm and 6 mm and are mountable to the existing HUSH-BORE shanks as well as head-changeable C-ADAPTERs.
Although internal grooving negatively impacts surface finish due to the vibrations caused by long overhangs, using the HUSH-BORE #grooving products results in good surface roughness, even in deep #InternalGrooving of 5xD or higher, and offers improved tool life and excellent machining performance.
For additional information or to schedule a demonstration to see its capabilities firsthand, contact your local TaeguTec representative or visit
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Engineering Joke
Wife or Mistress
An architect, an artist, and an engineer were discussing whether it was better to spend time with the wife or a mistress.
The architect said he enjoyed time with his wife, building a solid foundation for an enduring relationship.
The artist said he enjoyed time with his mistress because of the passion and mystery he found there.
The engineer said, "I like both."
Engineer: "Yeah. If you have a wife and a mistress, they will each assume you are spending time with the other woman, and you can go to the lab and get some work done."
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