Vibrating wire strain gauge -
embedment strain gauge type DBA

Vibrating wire strain gauge - embedment strain gauge type DBA

The vibrating wire strain gauge type DBA is for direct bury in reinforced concrete or mass concrete and for roller compacted materials. It is commonly used for strain measurements in concrete foundations, piles, bridges, dams, tunnel linings, Containment vessels, shafts, power plants, etc. Due to the high level of stability, the length of 250 mm and the large fl anges (anchors) the strain gauge is also suitable to measure strain in mass concrete with coarse aggregates.

Deformations respectively strain changes in concrete mass of a structure will have an impact on the fl anges/anchors at both ends of the gauge, their distance changes. Due to this, the current state of the vibrating wire (inside the gauge), which is connected to the fl anges and held in tension, will change. For temperature measurements respectively corrections all stain gauges are equipped with a thermistor; optional with a Pt100. The gauge is designed for direct embedment in concrete or gets tied directly to the reinforcement Cage.

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