Vibrant Individuals Light Up the Room
Vibrant Culture
We help companies build cultures of happy people working to their full potential.
You know how some people walk into the room and the energy drops??Then, you know there are the other people who walk into the room and the energy soars??
What’s the difference in these people?
I’ll tell you.?
It is the radiance of that individual’s “light.” The someone who walks in, who causes the energy to drop, lacks energy, passion, and focus. She is searching for some light and she sucks the light right out of the room.?
The someone who walks in, who causes the energy to soar, has tremendous energy, passion and serious focus. She on the other hand is on fire!?
She lights up the room.?
She heats up the conversation.?
She sheds light on what is possible
And most importantly, she has the energy to turn what is possible into the probable.
And, maybe even more importantly, her energy sparks the light in others which,?and don’t miss this,?puts even more possibilities in the path of becoming probable.?
The powerful question is: How do I become an individual that radiates light?
I’ll tell you.
That kind of individual is living a Vibrant Life. She works through The S.H.I.N.E. Coaching Methodology.??
The S.H.I.N.E. Coaching Methodology.??creates a conduit for your inner light to radiate out into the world by addressing five core areas:?
In order to put the right habits in place you must first do self-assessment. To be in integrity, you must first do self-assessment. To know what the next right step is, you must first do self-assessment. To know what kind of energy you lack, you must first do self-assessment. So, we begin by doing self-assessment. I repeat myself because, and I repeat, doing self-assessment is foundational to all other work.?
Mistakenly, some individuals think they are “ok” and do not need to do any work on themselves. But believe me, the people closest in their lives pray they would take a good look in the mirror, self-assess, and see the quality of their habits, integrity, next steps, and energy.
Or, there are the other individuals who are aware of how they show up and jump on the first idea that she thinks will magically change everything which may result in failure and create a downward spiral. Slowing down to do self-assessment is mandatory to finding out what is working or not working in our lives. It identifies blind-spots. It uncovers our challenges. It insists that we get real about what is?really?going on.
The truth is the fact that the more radiant you are the more attractive you are. I don’t mean this in terms of external beauty. I am talking about how a moth is naturally attracted to light. The container for the light doesn’t have to be a million dollar marque. The light just needs to be in the on position, shedding light in the dark.?
The same is true for you.?
If you emit serious light, you’ll draw a crowd of moths! You might be thinking, “I don’t need a crowd.” Okay, I get that, however all of us need people. We need people to help us, support us, buy from us, build with us, and get the job done alongside us. I implore you to check the radiance of your light. Living a VIBRANT life will pay tremendous dividends in terms of your impact, your influence, and your personal satisfaction of a well-lived life.
Let’s get started!?
The Radiance of My Life, self-assessment exercise is foundational in determining how vibrant your life is in real time.?
1. To determine the radiance of your life, simply draw a circle on a piece of paper. Divide this circle into eight pie shaped sections that have meaning for you.
2. Here are some categories you might consider. Pick the ones that have meaning for you. And, YES, you can use all of them. You can even go off the board for twenty points and add your own category. Remember, this all about you.?
3. Measure from the center of your circle, which is zero, to the edge of the circle, which is a ten, drawing an arched line at your level of satisfaction in each category.
To discern your “radiance” ranking, ask yourself powerful questions.?
Here are some examples:
Physical Environment: How aesthetically pleasing is my environment? In the places where I spend the most time, how inspired, comfortable, and at home am I?
Career: How much do I enjoy my work? How clear is my vocational calling?
Money: How does the money I have, earn, and invest create a solid financial future? Do I have enough to share??
Health: How healthy am I? How does my physical fitness, nutrition, and sleep impact me?
Friends: What kind of support do I have? Who can I count on?
Once you have ranked each one of your categories from zero to ten (0-10), you’ll have self-assessed the radiance of your life. This snapshot tells you how much light you have radiating today. Odds are you’ll have some areas that are bright and?illuminated. And, there will be areas that you need to amp up! If you want to live a vibrant life, your next right step will be to take action. You might need to do some habit work. You might need to get into integrity in a particular category. You might need to create a written down series of next right steps. Or, you might need to address one of the six energies to fuel your life. While this might seem like “a lot,” you have “a lot” life to live.?
Why not live a VIBRANT life?
- Vibrantly, Nicole